i am looking for an electric shaver for the head, the closest shave one can get with out a razor-----------dont get me wrong it feels good to shave with soap but it is a pain sometimes , LR RIP fellas
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No clue for electric shaver, they never really worked very well for me. I head shave in the shower with my trusty Sensor, takes me like 3 extra minutes and is really smooth.
i am looking for an electric shaver for the head, the closest shave one can get with out a razor-----------dont get me wrong it feels good to shave with soap but it is a pain sometimes , LR RIP fellas
Give a Braun Series-3, or Braun series-5 a try. I use a Braun 565 when I'm not wetshaving and it has given me a bbs shave on my head that is also irritation free. It also allowed me to shave my head comfortably daily. The Series-3 will shave about same dry plus it will give you the option of being able to wetshave with it.
I used a Braun series 3 for face shaving probably 4 years ago, and, for electrics, it was one of the closest shaves I ever got (with an electric). Usually low irritation, especially when using pre-electric shave.
My head is thinning enough that someday I might have to shave it, I don't really want to though.
i was using the schick extreme and it works great,I primarily use a razor or Mach 3 to head shave. But in the past, I've used the Wahl professional Balding Clipper. A few colleagues at work still use it.
if my hair was thinning i would not even think twice,I used a Braun series 3 for face shaving probably 4 years ago, and, for electrics, it was one of the closest shaves I ever got (with an electric). Usually low irritation, especially when using pre-electric shave.
My head is thinning enough that someday I might have to shave it, I don't really want to though.