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Calling all bald dudes

i am looking for an electric shaver for the head, the closest shave one can get with out a razor-----------dont get me wrong it feels good to shave with soap but it is a pain sometimes , LR RIP fellas
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I don't have a clue, but it would be pretty nice to use between wet shaves, or on days when you are in a rush. I hope someone chimes in 'cause I would like to know too.
You need an Oster Classic 76 clipper and 2 blades,a 0000 and a 00000 ,or a "trimmer" blade.You shave with the 0000 blade first,then take it down to the scalp with one of the other 2 blades.This set up will last you 30 years or more.
I've been using a Mitaki-Japan Shaver on my head and find I get a very close comfortable shave. It is washable under the faucet and you can shave wet or dry. I use it dry, but simply adding a little water does make it shave closer and easier. It runs on two AA batteries (I use Sanyo Eneloop rechargeables). One set of batteries will shave for three weeks or more. This shaver also has a trimmer. I bought it on the bay for seven bucks including shipping, but right now it is selling for about 13 and a half bucks.


I have also used a Norelco PQ208 which also runs on two AA batteries. If you prefer a rotary style shaver, this one also gives a very close dry shave (it is not able to be used wet). It is selling for about eleven bucks. The shave is good but a little slower with this shaver as compared to the Mitaki-Japan model. This shaver does not have a trimmer. It can be found at:


Happy head shaving!
No clue for electric shaver, they never really worked very well for me. I head shave in the shower with my trusty Sensor, takes me like 3 extra minutes and is really smooth.
No clue for electric shaver, they never really worked very well for me. I head shave in the shower with my trusty Sensor, takes me like 3 extra minutes and is really smooth.

+1. In a rush I also shower shave my head, but with a Schick injector instead of a cart. The injector is just as easy as a cart with better results for me.
i am looking for an electric shaver for the head, the closest shave one can get with out a razor-----------dont get me wrong it feels good to shave with soap but it is a pain sometimes , LR RIP fellas

Give a Braun Series-3, or Braun series-5 a try. I use a Braun 565 when I'm not wetshaving and it has given me a bbs shave on my head that is also irritation free. It also allowed me to shave my head comfortably daily. The Series-3 will shave about same dry plus it will give you the option of being able to wetshave with it.

Give a Braun Series-3, or Braun series-5 a try. I use a Braun 565 when I'm not wetshaving and it has given me a bbs shave on my head that is also irritation free. It also allowed me to shave my head comfortably daily. The Series-3 will shave about same dry plus it will give you the option of being able to wetshave with it.


I used a Braun series 3 for face shaving probably 4 years ago, and, for electrics, it was one of the closest shaves I ever got (with an electric). Usually low irritation, especially when using pre-electric shave.

My head is thinning enough that someday I might have to shave it, I don't really want to though.
I used a Braun series 3 for face shaving probably 4 years ago, and, for electrics, it was one of the closest shaves I ever got (with an electric). Usually low irritation, especially when using pre-electric shave.

My head is thinning enough that someday I might have to shave it, I don't really want to though.

Go ahead and shave it. You will wonder why you never did it before. A man who shaves his head is not afraid of anything.
The Wahl 5 Star Shaver Shaper is the best electric shaver I have ever used. Gets very close and it is what most barbers use.
I used a Braun series 3 for face shaving probably 4 years ago, and, for electrics, it was one of the closest shaves I ever got (with an electric). Usually low irritation, especially when using pre-electric shave.

My head is thinning enough that someday I might have to shave it, I don't really want to though.
if my hair was thinning i would not even think twice,
Brother Cavefish, If you want to try the Mitaki-Japan shaver I suggested above, the price on the bay has now gone back down to about $9 with free shipping:


Nymtber, I hesitated for years to shave the thinning hair on top of my head. When I finally did, it made me look at least ten years younger. I wonder now why I had waited so long. I say, go for it and see how it looks. If you don't like it, you can always let it grow back. The added benefit is that you get to spend more time shaving.

I have tried a DE on my head, but it takes too long and causes too much blood loss. If there was a specialized DE razor which would only be exposed on one side (you could flip the blade to expose the other side when the first side goes dull) and which would be held in the palm of the hand in a manner similar to the Head Blade setup, then I would try DE head shaving again. Until then, I get a better head shave using an electric shaver.

Happy shaving.
I bought one of the battery operated shavers today at walmart. Not bad. Not as close as a DE of course, but it will do for a day or two and then I will put the real blade to it. Lets you keep the shaved head look with like maybe a days growth look without having to wet shave everyday.
Oh man, try this Panasonic: http://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-ES8...DKIKX0DER&s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1378850428&sr=1-8

I used a Norelco but it was slow and clunky in the hand. But, it was cheap.

Then I tried the Panasonic. Wet/dry (I shave before my shower daily). BBS close- closer than I can get with a Trac II in the shower. I really find it comfortable. And the original blade/screen set has lasted over a year. High rpm's but kind of loud.

It's not the most expensive Panasonic- around $80-90- but it sure is a good tool!
I tried electric foil and rotary razors (never a wet/dry though) when I first started shaving my head and usually got bad irritation. I also found that the hair on my scalp being much smaller and finer than my facial hair, really collected in the razor and required a lot more maintenance and cleaning than normal.
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