Is it worth having/making/carrying a business card if you have a fixed job? I'm not a customer service contractor type, I don't play sales rep, I don't meet prospective clients. I've done that job, I had cards.
If I'm jobless, and not a consultant, should I specifically not have a card?
Another thing is my skillset is so diverse, I don't know how to make an appropriate business card. Name, contact information, EOF. I mean, things I could put on my card?
I dunno.
I'd probably put "Penetration Expert" or something. I think I need more experience before I can claim "Expert" though. "Penetration Spe......t"? My skills (and the useful skill sets anyone would want) go well outside that though; just the other stuff is boring, and there's even more hardcore stuff in my field I want to get into that's even more fun but way more specialized.
On the one hand, my resumé handles my needs. On the other, I'm not going to run into the CISO of AmAir (I've run into the CEO of an airline once too, and CFO of a few companies... we usually chat business for a while and then they give me a card) and just whip out a full page prepared resumé from my wallet.
Again, on the one hand I have a decent, stable job; on the other, something more fun could come along, with better pay and more of an opportunity for self-enrichment.
EDIT: S-p-e-c-i-a-l-i-s-t damn, not c-i-a-l-i-s. This is a thread about employment, not ED.
If I'm jobless, and not a consultant, should I specifically not have a card?
Another thing is my skillset is so diverse, I don't know how to make an appropriate business card. Name, contact information, EOF. I mean, things I could put on my card?
I dunno.
I'd probably put "Penetration Expert" or something. I think I need more experience before I can claim "Expert" though. "Penetration Spe......t"? My skills (and the useful skill sets anyone would want) go well outside that though; just the other stuff is boring, and there's even more hardcore stuff in my field I want to get into that's even more fun but way more specialized.
On the one hand, my resumé handles my needs. On the other, I'm not going to run into the CISO of AmAir (I've run into the CEO of an airline once too, and CFO of a few companies... we usually chat business for a while and then they give me a card) and just whip out a full page prepared resumé from my wallet.
Again, on the one hand I have a decent, stable job; on the other, something more fun could come along, with better pay and more of an opportunity for self-enrichment.
EDIT: S-p-e-c-i-a-l-i-s-t damn, not c-i-a-l-i-s. This is a thread about employment, not ED.