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Brut Aftershave

I was surprised to see Brut Aftershave among the staple products at my local supermarket . . . along with the expected Aqua Velva, Mennen Skin Bracer, and Old Spice. But Brut??? That's a name and scent from the 1960's. I took a whiff and remembered how much I used to like the scent. I never actually used the stuff, But I've smelled it plenty. It brought back memories. Do any of you have experience with Brut? Is the stuff any good?
I like it. The scent is not long lasting on me, so I don't have top worry about any conflicts. The menthol content is not not as high as Aqua Velva, but provides a fair amount of cooling. There is also a nice amount of moisturizing.


My elbows leak
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It smells very similar to Clubman aftershave to me.
I like both, they are good, inexpensive aftershaves.
I have Brut AS and Cologne. As lasts most of the day and cologne will go 24 hours. Great scent. When side by side with Clubman, I don't notice a lot of similarity, but they may have some common notes.
I have Brut AS and Cologne. As lasts most of the day and cologne will go 24 hours. Great scent. When side by side with Clubman, I don't notice a lot of similarity, but they may have some common notes.

I have both too and love it! blast from the past!
I used not care for the scent, because it reminded me of cheapness from my younger years. But then I picked up the Vi-Jon knock-off at Family Dollar and I like it a lot! Even my wife likes it, says it's reminds her of a fresh soapy scent. The more I wear it the more I like it. I actually stopped to smell the real Brut at Walmart today. Not bad. I might ask for some "real" Brut in my stocking this year.

Still not sure of the difference between the "Splash On" and the "Aftershave." I'll work that out later. Until then the $1.75 Vi-Jon stuff is great!
My first real job was in a factory where my supervisor doused himself with a staggering amount of Brut. However, it didn't really disguise the fact that he probably never took a bath or, in the couple of years I worked there, even change clothes. Every summer, my dealings of him were highlighted with a mix of sour, horrid filth and Brut. I kept away from Brut for a couple of decades after that. Even a whiff gave me a little bit of the gag reflex. A couple of years ago, I decided that enough was enough and I was going to reclaim Brut. It was pretty hard at first, but I decided to take it easy and just wear it every now and then. Now, three years into it, I have grown to like it. Like Pinaud, Aqua Velva, Old Spice and a couple of others, Brut is a nice fragrance and a great bargain.
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I like it, and the wife loves it, so it's in my den to stay. The Aftershave (which is what I use) has a touch of menthol not found in the Splash-on juice.
Not bad. I might ask for some "real" Brut in my stocking this year.

My first (and only) experience with Brut was when I was 16 years old and my mother put a little 1 oz. bottle of Brut cologne in my stocking for Christmas that year. I would use it a little in high school, but I still have about half of that little bottle left.... so I didn't use very much. The scent reminds me of those days.... and it makes me think of cheap drugstore cologne. Oddly enough, I do not get that feeling with AV and Clubman.... because I never used those when I was young... even though they are essentially sold right next to Brut on the shelf in the drugstores. A few months ago I purchased one of the ultra cool square-ish glass bottles of Brut AS from Connaught Shaving.... mostly for the bottle. I actually have not used any of it.... but every so often I will take a whiff.

Seems like everybody was using it back in college (1971-1975), but I never did. Just a hint of the smell brings back memories.
Love Brut. Has an old-fashioned thing going on, but it smells awesome to me :thumbup: Aftershave and splash-on are similar, but aftershave has some menthol. If you don't care about that, the splash-on is a bigger bottle.
I like Brut - smells really clean and a bit soapy with a healthy dose of masculine thrown in there. I would never however wear it on a date - I dab on some of the cologne behind my ears and wrists before work as a clean, somewhat old fashioned scent. I like using Brut "type" shaving soap from Honeybee Spa as well on a weekday morning.
It's my all time favourite. I have various different bottles from vintage to new, euro to US and aftershave to EDT. I'm not massively sold on the modern aftershave, I find the scent is far too fleeting for my liking but when it's combined with eau de cologne or the edt the smell has a bit more mileage. No shave den should be without Brut, Old Spice and Clubman. The holy trinity of aftershave.
I have been using the UK brut on and off for years. I get through a bottle a year or so. I like it a lot but fing you only need a little in the hand to face. SWMBO likes it but again you only need a little. A staple classic for many a man here in Blighty.
I used not care for the scent, because it reminded me of cheapness from my younger years. But then I picked up the Vi-Jon knock-off at Family Dollar and I like it a lot! Even my wife likes it, says it's reminds her of a fresh soapy scent. The more I wear it the more I like it. I actually stopped to smell the real Brut at Walmart today. Not bad. I might ask for some "real" Brut in my stocking this year.

Still not sure of the difference between the "Splash On" and the "Aftershave." I'll work that out later. Until then the $1.75 Vi-Jon stuff is great!

I have the FamilyDollar version of Brut and it's one of my favorites (of cheap aftershaves).
I never used to be an aftershave guy. I over did the stuff as a kid and stayed away from it for 30+ years. My first dive back into it was with the Vi-Jon knock off. Now I have a stock of the Vi-Jon knock off that I use with Brut bath soap, Mama Bear Brute shaving soap, and Brut antiperspirant/deodorant. Nobody seems to complain or even notice it, but I could catch a whiff of it well into the day. That seemed to be about right.
I have the Brut splash-on. Bought because it reminds me of both my Grandad and Dad who both used it as their staple. Not sure I'm that keen on it but I enjoy the memories it invokes of the 2 most important men in my life.
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