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Brush using TGN parts

While looking around for another brush, I only had two, I figured it would be worth while putting together a brush using TGN parts.

I ordered up a 22mm x 68mm Silvertip badger hair knot with extra hair on close out and a 22mm cream shaving brush handle, 50mm height. All I did was use a 2 part epoxy and put the parts together. Whether this is right or wrong I haven't a clue but it sure does look good.

Here it is next to a medium EJ BBB.




The feel on the face is a lot softer than the EJ brush. I'm going to see how it lathers up a bit later today.
Looks pretty good - I bet it'll be a good, soft brush.

Do you have a way to measure the loft? I wonder how deep that knot channel is.
Took it for a spin. I'm really pleased with it, it created a ton of lather.


It was really amazing, the difference.
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