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Brush hanging solution

Some brushes I have will not fit the hangers available for sale on the internet. The only thing I could do was bend some coathangers out of shape (ignore the nerd behind the iPhone camera):

As you can see, I could only find a store-bought stand for my smallest brushes. What bothered me besides the unsatisfactory way the coathangers looked looked is that one of them scratched the handle.

A wonderful surprise came in the mail today for my 4th of July weekend from one of our members, Stubblefree:

Back (notice the high-gloss finish):

These were custom made to fit my brush size.
I also received a shaving bowl:

The raw materials used are actually coconut shells, and things like this provide a sense of warmth and relaxation to go along with your shaving experience. You can tell by the looks of these pieces that they are truly a labor of love.

I want to personally thank Stubblefree for helping me take good care of my brushes in such an aestetically pleasing way, and certainly couldn't recommend anyone any higher if you were saddled with the same problem I had.

A high five to a master craftsman. Thanks, Vijay! :thumbup:
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I sat here staring at those coat hangers thinking that you're on the right path but those hangers.......:lol:. Anyway it came to me that my wife collects dolls and she uses doll stands. Well the doll stands are adjustable in height and circumference, and for those big brushes with a huge knot....just grab some pliers and you could bend the wire over more to keep the brush from hitting the stand. You can find these at Micheal's or any other hobby store that carries doll supplies.
I sat here staring at those coat hangers thinking that you're on the right path but those hangers.......:lol:. Anyway it came to me that my wife collects dolls and she uses doll stands. Well the doll stands are adjustable in height and circumference, and for those big brushes with a huge knot....just grab some pliers and you could bend the wire over more to keep the brush from hitting the stand. You can find these at Micheal's or any other hobby store that carries doll supplies.

I absolutely can't work with my hands and I'm lucky I could get those hangers to work. This is the site where I came up with the idea: http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-Your-Own-Razor-and-Shaving-Brush-Stand/. There's no way I would have been able to make either the hangers or pipe look like the instructions.

The doll stand is something that would have never occurred to me. Maybe if I had grown up with a sister or doll collector I would have thought of it.

I like big brushes and am a believer in hanging them upside down to dry. I shave before work and when I get home I comb it to retain its shape.

I'm sure glad that I have found a happy solution to the problem. I am in awe of someone who can work wonders with raw materials.
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