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Bruce Springsteen - The Promise

Having listened to this at work a couple of times, I am really getting into it.


Definitely recommend this for your Christmas lists. Most of the track were recorded during the same studio sessions as his Darkness & the Edge of Town album (Released in 1978!)

Think this is the 1st single and my favourite track at the moment.
Wonderful stuff. Some of the songs were changed or cannibalized into the songs that were released originally. Others were dropped because they didn't fit the mood and themes of album--they are happy and upbeat. And The Boss also says some were dropped because they would have become hits, and he didn't want any hits to distract attention from the album as a whole. Must be nice to have so much talent that you can throw away two LPs' worth of music in order to boil it down to the one LP you really want.:thumbup1:
If you guys like the album, HBO also did a special about it that you really should see. It goes through want went into writing Darkness and the some on Promise. A lot of archival footage of the recording session mixed with more recent interviews. Good stuff for Springsteen fans.
I'm a huge Springsteen fan. Picked up The Promise boxset a couple weeks ago. It is truly astounding the amount of quality music he had to sift through to put out Darkness.
I haven't got this yet, but it's on my wish list. I remember waiting for my hometown record store to open so that I could buy Darkness the first day it went on sale. That was a great time. Can't wait to get into all of the previously unreleased stuff in the collection.


I need a flea bath
I love the version of "Racing in the Streets" that is on there. "Rendezvous" is awesome as well.

The original darkness album is superb! So anything recorded in that time frame has to be good. Seeing "Badlands" or "Adam Raised a Cain" live is kick a***s.
If you guys like the album, HBO also did a special about it that you really should see. It goes through want went into writing Darkness and the some on Promise. A lot of archival footage of the recording session mixed with more recent interviews. Good stuff for Springsteen fans.

would love to see this. bought this album on friday. really like the artwork and booklet. a great package.
If you guys like the album, HBO also did a special about it that you really should see. It goes through want went into writing Darkness and the some on Promise. A lot of archival footage of the recording session mixed with more recent interviews. Good stuff for Springsteen fans.

Watched it last night.

Really really good. They mentioned cutting down 70 songs to the final selection. Love the clip of Bruce & Steve Van Zandt doing a jokey version of Sherry Darling (which ended up on The River album) Well worth 1 hr 30 mins of my time.
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