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Brotherhood of the Open Comb


Brush: Shavemac Silvertip 2-Band 20/48 🇩🇪
Soap: Chiseled Face Natural 🇺🇸
Razor: Baili B3 SS 🇨🇳 (1)
Blade: Gillette 7o'clock Black (3) 🇮🇳
ASL: Orange FREEZE 🇬🇧 [home brew]

A good shave. :biggrin:

I got a very good shave on the first use of my Baili B3 (Open Comb side only). (Razor just landed pics etc HERE if you're interested.)
The handle is very nice and grippy. If only it were my favorite 75mm length (rather than 97mm [vaulting pole stuff]) I would be in love with it.
The only other gripe I have is the length of the baseplate and cap. They're 44.5mm. My blade being 42.7mm long, it was a bugger to remove (safely).
I'll be doing my usual "new razor" seven-shave trial with the B3.

Happy shaves guys. :cornut:
Goodfella, from New Zealand (not Italy), new to me.

I don't think these are made any more. The handle is stainless and the head is chrome plated. I don't want to guess what metal is under the chrome, but the teeth appear to be machined. Not well machined, not CNC, but machined. The cap is thin, similar to a Gillette Old Type thin cap.

Old B&B posts argue about the shaving qualities of this razor. Tonight's shave was not mild, but it seemed more efficient than other modern imitators of the Old Type. The jury is still out.

I was using a Nacet of uncertain age.


Preshave: shower and soak with St Johns Vetiver Bar Soap
Brush: Shavemac 24 mm / 54 mm bulb two band silvertip DO1 in Copper Canyon
Bowl: Captain's Choice Copper
Soap: Proraso Green Cream bowl lathered for the most part
Razor: PAA The Artifact
Blade Gillette Super Stainless The Spoiler F4 Unsure of the date 1985 maybe made in the USA (4)
Post: PAA Alum, Thayer's Lavender Witch Hazel Toner
Splash: Proraso Green

DFS 9 on both neck and face. Some red spots but alum, witch hazel, and, Proraso Splash seem to have curbed them. We'll see next time I look in the mirror if that is true or not. I skipped the Proraso Preshave this time. This was the third or forth time I have bowl lathered with the DO1 Two Band. Face lathering is still prickly, but bowl lathering Proraso cream is sublime. The lather filled brush feels great on the skin with no hint of the scritch I get face lathering soaps. Also of note was the PAA Artifact razor, made of Bakelite and gold plated brass. It is one of PAA's remake razors and the design includes a water reservoir in the base plate that helps slicken the WTG pass, and, successive passes to a lesser degree. This is my travel razor so normally I only use it when I drive down to Tennessee to visit my dad and brother. Tonight's shave was very close and while I used a touch too much pressure, I got the closest shave in near memory. Keep in mind my normal razor is a 1.25 gap WR2. This little guy is a champ and I am reminded every time I use it.
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