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Broken Brush

I have a badger brush with a metal handle and recently the knot has broken loose from the handle. Looking for any tips/suggestions on the best way to repair it and also things to look out for before even attempting the repair.

It could be as simple as gluing it back in, pictures of the inside of the handle, and the base of the knot (taken from where it connects to the handle) would help greatly. It may be a good time to take measurements and think about if you liked the loft. No easier time to adjust it then when you're already reknotting.
I'll snap some pics when I have a chance. Sure, it's always a great time to upgrade, but for the moment I'd like to repair this brush. It's nothing super special, but it's been reliable and I do enjoy it.

My bigger concern is not with the state of the knot, but the inside of the chrome handle. Pics will certainly help illustrate. I'll post when I have some.

OK, here are a couple of pics of the brush in question:

$broken_brush2.jpg $broken_brush.jpg

There seems to be a metal rod that has broken and rusted a bit in the center.

Also, the base of the knot and the inside of the handle will have to be cleaned before I repair it. I want to make sure I can clean the base of the knot without doing any damage to the bristles.

Then, of course, the question becomes the best way to glue the knot back into the handle. Clear epoxy? Gorilla Glue? Super Glue?

Any suggestions or advice appreciated.
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