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British Gillette 66 hinge problem


I'm now the happy owner of a British Gillette 66. My grandfather gave me his old one. Not only it looks awesome with a just few minor scratches, but it also has a great deal of sentimental value to me.

However, there is a slight problem when opening it - one hinge does not open completely. Nothing major, but I was wondering if this can be solved/repaired?

A picture is 1000 times better than words, so here is a small video. Apologies for the terrible video quality, I filmed it with a really old 2MP camera!!

Opening problem video

PS: on a related note, how does this razor compare to the Merkur Progress?
Nice #66, even nicer that it's your grandfather's. He has great taste. My #66 had the exact same problem, what people call a lazy door. After looking over the head very thoroughly I noticed that one of the endcaps was bent in on one side ever so slightly. I ended up bending it back out by jimmying (very very carefully) a flat head screwdriver between the endcap and the base. I don't necessarily recommend this sort of repair, but it worked.
Thanks for the reply!

However, I'm not a native English speaker, so I don't understand some of the terms you used (endcap, jimmying).

I've looked carefully at it and can't find anything out of place or bent...
It's a grat razor. I recommend leaving it as it is. Trying to correct that minor problem might create a much bigger one. The razor will work and will probably last another 50 years. Enjoy!
Thanks Jake.

I think I'll leave it as it is. I'm kind of obsessive compulsive but i have to learn how to let go :001_smile

Ok I tried shaving with it today and it was awful. I use the Progress on a low setting of 2 because I only shave with shave oil... maybe I should try again later to get the hang of it.
I take back what I said. Shaved with it today and it was awesome! The angle is a bit different than the progress so that is why I was having trouble.
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