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Brimfield Antique Show

This week is the 1st of this year's 3 Brimfield Antique and Flea Market shows. You can check it out here. At least 6,000 vendors from all over the USA and shoppers from all over the world. One of our fellow B&Bers & I were both there yesterday, Tuesday May 11 for the opening day activities.

The other member found just what he was looking for -- a very nice but needs work FatBoy & a SS. There were many straights, SEs, and a few other DEs, including the #58 I found -- in quite good shape.

Even though the razor selection was limited -- there was an incredible barber chair that sold before I could photograph it -- there were so many unusual items for sale. Much of it was flea market quality and there were some real gems. So I thought I should share the news for those adventurous folks in the area -- or who want to visit. Ending this weekend.
That "other member" was me.

I went there really looking mainly for vintage Gillettes.

What I found is that perhaps 8 out of the several hundred dealers tents had any razors of any kind. Almost all were straights, and the few DEs I saw were generally GEMs or Rolls in lousy shape. Most dealers very quickly shook their head and said, "No," when I asked them, as if they thought I was a nut, although several people told me that they either "forgot to bring them," "will bring them next time," and one guy said he generally doesn't bring them because he can sell them for a big profit on Ebay.

My one find of the day was pure perseverance. A very nice fellow who drove all the way from Kentucky said he had a couple in his truck. We went back there and he spent about 15 minutes looking through a bunch of boxes for them. He then went back to his tent and spent another 10 minutes looked through a bunch more totes. Finally, the last box he looked had the razors--a 1950 Superspeed with case and a 1960 Fatboy. Since he had worked hard, I asked what he wanted. He asked $15. I paid him that without dickering.

The razors were pretty dirty, but after boiling and scrubbing bubbles, they've look great. The Fatboy is the best looking one of the three I own. Shiny, little brassing, the numbers are all still painted

The only problem is that the adjustable dial was stuck between 9 and 7. So, thanks to a tip from some nice person here, I took it apart (not as scary as I though it would be) and got it working again.

I'm definitely going to sell the Superspeed (I tried it, and it's just not my cup of tea), but I'll think about the FB.

Was Brimfield worth it? In terms of razor searching, the cost of parking, gas, and admission were probably more than the value of the razors I found. I was really hoping I'd fine that "bucket of old razors" that some people stumble onto, but no dice.

But if you're looking for antiques or collectibles of any kind, it's the place to be, at least here in the northeast.

Jeff in Boston
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Wow that was a long day and lots of walking, spent from 7am till 530 at Brimfield. I think I probably saw a little less than 3/4 of the show. I'd say I saw approximately 300 straights, maybe 1/4 of them in great condition. A lot of Torrey straights. I ended up bringing a few home with me...

1st: Wade and Butcher, scales are shot but I bought it for the blade.

2nd: A German razor marked C. Klauberg & Brcs w/ great bone scales.

3rd: (My find of the day) A Wade and Butcher "special" in mint condition.

Will post pics this week when I'm back in the office, straights aside I could spend thousands at Brimfield if I only had the money. Great show though, will be going to the next one. If you enjoy antiques check it out if you live in the area.
Great that you enjoyed the show & made a decent haul. I'll be back also. Thanks for the update.
Pretty much an off-topic comment--a Brimfield-related cryptozoology incident.

Back when I lived in CT my wife and I went to one Brimfield, maybe in 1999.

We were heading up the last bit of 84. It was early morning but full daylight, a good number of cars on the road.

About 1/2 mile up the highway cars started reacting in a way that we knew something was going on. Brake lights coming on, swerving, etc.

An animal was running across the road. It was big. The proportions were of a dog, but the size was like a horse. It wasn't a deer, coyote, wolf. We only saw it for a second and it was across the highway and gone before we could get a closer look. To this day we don't know what it was. Are there moose that far south? That's my only guess what it could have been, a young moose. But I've seen plenty of moose in Maine and it still seemed different.
....Stuff edited out

An animal was running across the road. It was big....Are there moose that far south? That's my only guess what it could have been, a young moose. But I've seen plenty of moose in Maine and it still seemed different.

Yes, there are moose in Massachusetts. Several times a year you get stories in the paper about moose on the loose, even in the Boston suburbds. A few years ago, one got as far as Newton I believe before getting the state police had to take it out.

If you saw one crossing the road at Brimfield, he was probably trying to escape some antiquer trying to slap a price tag on his antlers...

Jeff in Boston
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