So what's with the red sox and this unkempt scruffy look? They have the worst collection of horrible looking beards I have ever seen. What an embarrassment to Major League Baseball. Also, the majority of them wear dirty uniforms that have obviously been worn in at least one previous game. Most of their uniforms are baggy and ill fitting. What is their appearance saying to our youth? They also display bad manners and tend to play dirty with no respect for the other teams. And what's with this Pedroia and all of those stupid looking faces he is constantly making? One breath of fresh air is that though they may win their division, they will be totally destroyed in the playoffs by the Detroit Tigers. I also predict that the tigers, the best team in baseball, will go on to win the World Series.
Now, contrast the red sox with the Tampa Bay Rays. There is a team with class. The Rays are always neat and if they have facial hair it is neatly trimmed. They are gentlemen on the field and they are honest in their play. They should make the Wild Card, and who knows, they may do quite well in the play offs. I wish them the best. The Rays are great role models for children and many of them are regular visitors to All Children's Hospital in St. Petetsburg, Florida. Need I say more?
Now, contrast the red sox with the Tampa Bay Rays. There is a team with class. The Rays are always neat and if they have facial hair it is neatly trimmed. They are gentlemen on the field and they are honest in their play. They should make the Wild Card, and who knows, they may do quite well in the play offs. I wish them the best. The Rays are great role models for children and many of them are regular visitors to All Children's Hospital in St. Petetsburg, Florida. Need I say more?