I read a lot of comments especially about Feather blades being too sharp resulting in their face being cut. Coming from using a straight razor, it doesn't make sense to me. Because you would never complain about a straight being too sharp, you want it sharp. In straights bad technique or dull blades get you cut. Apply too much pressure, use a bad angle, or go over an area too much and your face will suffer.
Since I'm new to DE and have only used Derby I'll leave open the possibility, but in my limited experience I've found that a more aggressive razor has a bigger impact on the comfort vs closeness of the shave. Seems like people need something to fuss over and in DE the brand of the blade is made the hero or the culprit.
Since I'm new to DE and have only used Derby I'll leave open the possibility, but in my limited experience I've found that a more aggressive razor has a bigger impact on the comfort vs closeness of the shave. Seems like people need something to fuss over and in DE the brand of the blade is made the hero or the culprit.
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