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Blade recommendations for a ever-ready streamline aka SE BLADES .


I have been a DE shaver over 18 months , I have a sevrazor coming but I have no blades...
Will anyone post reccomdations thanks bill
I prefer PTFE coated, box from Ted Pella via a want-to-buy on the BST. Can't stand carbons. Others may differ :)

I love the Treet carbon steel blades. :w00t: I find them sharper than the GEM PTFE. I picked up 120 for $14 on AMZN a couple of months ago. With Prime, free shipping.
Go with the GEM PTFE coated stainless steel ones. Sharp and smooth! Long lasting too with very little maintenance.
I use both the stainless gems and the carbon treet blades in my streamlines and find the smoother shaves come from the stainless coated ones.
although i think the carbon treet blades are sharper, but they do not last as long and as ever ymmv.

just my 2p worth
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