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Blade Longevity Poll

Shaves Per Blade

  • NOS Gillette Spoiler

  • NOS UK Wilkinson sword

  • Perma Sharp super

  • Super Iridium

  • Bic Greek

  • Crystal

  • Gillette Yellow 7 oclock

  • Gillette Indian Green Perma Sharp

  • Gillette Black Super platinum 7 oclock

  • Gillette Beue Extra

  • Astra Supieor Platinum

  • Feather

Results are only viewable after voting.
I am making this poll based on opinions of what some of you think are the longest lasting blades, i.e. shaves per blade. This poll is not for other characteristics of blades such as sharpness/smoothness, just longevity. I am also not including personna 74 on purpose because they are to expensive/hard to find, this poll is for easily available blades. Thanks.
I rate the Gillette Bleue Extras (in the plastic container) for longevity.
I got about 7-8 shaves out of one, and could've easily taken more.
I must admit, I really like the Gilltette Bleue Extra blade and it's pretty much my favourite. However, my experience is based on the NOS versions with Stockholm packaging. With that said, I don't get quite as many shaves out of that blade as I do with the Super Iridiums.
I voted for the Gillette Super stainless and Iridium Super, as those generally yield 5 shaves. I also voted NOS Wilk, tho it depends on which Wilk you are talking about.

One fairly long lasting blade you left off the list is the NOS Schick Plus Platinum which is usually good for 5 or so great shaves.
I voted for the Super Iridiums as the longest lasting as I generally get 7 shaves out of one. Then the Gillette 7 o'clock's I get about 4-5, and finally the Feathers last about 3-4 shaves.
I voted for the Gillette Super stainless and Iridium Super, as those generally yield 5 shaves. I also voted NOS Wilk, tho it depends on which Wilk you are talking about.

One fairly long lasting blade you left off the list is the NOS Schick Plus Platinum which is usually good for 5 or so great shaves.

yeah i unfortunately arent enough spaces for more.
You need to have one choice as ” irrelevant ,blades are cheap. I change my blade after 3-4 shaves regardless of brand.”
I voted for Super Iridium.
I used an Iridium 6 times in the Muhle R89. It was quite ok. I think I could have tried to push it to 8 shaves. But I think 6 is good enough.
I get
1 "best you can get in your life" shave
3 excelent shaves
2 good shaves
? 2 probably good,acceptable shaves, but if you know it shaves so great when it is new, then why bother??
But still it lasts twice as much as Derby, IP, Red IP. Great blade!
Super Iridium: 5 shaves
Feather: 7 shaves
"Swedish" Gillette: 9 shaves

Not sure what use the actual poll has for the question.
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Cost per shave is also good to know.

A blade that costs 8 cents per blade. Use it for two great shaves and throw it away. Cost per shave would be 4 cents.

Feathers for instance are closer to 37 cents a blade. 4 shaves with these would be 9.25 cents per shave.
Non of the above. I prefer Blue Birds, even though I havent tried most of those blades so dont take my opinion to seriously but for the price I get about 3-4 shaves out of a blade. Cant beat that for $16 - $20 for 100 blades :thumbup1:
what about shark super stainless easy enough to find, just got 7 out of one blade a little sharp though sometimes(still relatively smooth) for my lack of skill :tongue_sm
Change my blade twice a week regardless of the brand. Could probably get more out of them but I like a sharp blade and this seems the best way to be sure of that.

I have been using the same two Crystal blades since the beginning of last week, about 5 shaves on each...still giving me great shaves.

I usually change blades in all of my razors at the beginning of the week, but didn't this week and they're still shaving great. If I have my Crystals in...they tend to last longer than my other random blades.
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