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Black Hills/Mt. Rushmore

My family and I are planning a trip to the Black Hills (that's in South Dakota, for those of you on the east coast :001_smile). We're staying right in Custer State Park. Has anyone else made the trip? Can you recommend any of the less obvious attractions? Also, any places you would recommend to eat? We've already got the chuckwagon dinner planned.


Holy cow....I'll have to update you later. I grew up in Rapid City so I can give you some ideas. What kid of food/activities are you into?
I too grew up in Rapid City, my father was stationed at Ellsworth AFB. Don't think I've ever ran into anyone else from Rapid other than Mark Ellis. Anyways, it's been many years since I've been but a few things I'd recommend you do on the way across the state. The Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD is a tourist spot. Check out Wall Drug. Doesn't need to be anymore than an hour stop or so, but pretty neat. Crazy Horse is, in my opinion, an overlooked marvel. Nuts how it still isn't finished...although I believe it's made serious progress since the mid 80's. If you have the time, Sturgis and Deadwood are pretty neat with some cool history. I'm sure Max has more, but these are the things that stick out the most in my mind as a teenager that I'd like to do again oneday. Enjoy your vacation!
I too grew up in Rapid City, my father was stationed at Ellsworth AFB. Don't think I've ever ran into anyone else from Rapid other than Mark Ellis. Anyways, it's been many years since I've been but a few things I'd recommend you do on the way across the state. The Corn Palace in Mitchell, SD is a tourist spot. Check out Wall Drug. Doesn't need to be anymore than an hour stop or so, but pretty neat. Crazy Horse is, in my opinion, an overlooked marvel. Nuts how it still isn't finished...although I believe it's made serious progress since the mid 80's. If you have the time, Sturgis and Deadwood are pretty neat with some cool history. I'm sure Max has more, but these are the things that stick out the most in my mind as a teenager that I'd like to do again oneday. Enjoy your vacation!

haha! Super cool Bull, I too thought I was alone. What years were you there?
Thanks, BigBull. A tour of Ellsworth is on the itinerary. Our 11 year old son is especially looking forward to going into the missile silo.
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I've been down that way. Cosmos mystery spot is always fun.
The corn palace is neat too. Wall Drug is annoying, but since you'll see so many signs promoting it you will stop just to see it.
Fort Hayes (I think?) has a pancake breakfast for 99 cents.

hmmm. I was there in 2009 so I can't really remember what else was there.

Cosmos was really fun though.

EDIT: oh I just thought of the highway through the park where the minute man silo is.
It's really cool to drive through.
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Wall drug is definitely cool. Crazy Horse might be hard to appreciate unless you've seen the progression over the years, but it's still pretty cool to see a mountain carving in progress. Definitely do the Wildlife loop in Custer. The 1880's train in Keystone is always cool. Depending on the age of your kids, Storybook Island in Rapid is a fun little vintage spot (plus it's free). Drive the needles highway for sure. If you want to drive out to Hot Springs, Wind Cave and the Mammoth Site are pretty cool. Also in Hot Springs...Evans Plunge. I'll try to think of some more
Wall drug is definitely cool. Crazy Horse might be hard to appreciate unless you've seen the progression over the years, but it's still pretty cool to see a mountain carving in progress. Definitely do the Wildlife loop in Custer. The 1880's train in Keystone is always cool. Depending on the age of your kids, Storybook Island in Rapid is a fun little vintage spot (plus it's free). Drive the needles highway for sure. If you want to drive out to Hot Springs, Wind Cave and the Mammoth Site are pretty cool. Also in Hot Springs...Evans Plunge. I'll try to think of some more

Dave, now you have to go to Wall Drug. I thought it was annoying, Justin thought it was cool.
What will you think? I'd like to know!
haha! Super cool Bull, I too thought I was alone. What years were you there?

I moved there in 1984 and left for Grand Forks, ND in 1989. My brother and I used to play golf at Meadowbrook everyday during the summer...and intertube down the river putting in right under the dam. Those were the days! I don't recall the neighborhood we lived in, but I checked it out on GoogleMaps not too long ago and it's certainly been developed a ton....by Rapid City standards of course. How about you?

Thanks, BigBull. A tour of Ellsworth is on the itinerary. Our 11 year old son is especially looking forward to going into the missile silo.

Ahhh Ellsworth. My pops was a B52 Pilot until the fazed those out and brought in the B1-Bobmber. That thing is/was badass. You guys are bringing back great memories.
We already plan to count the Wall Drug signs on the way to Wall, so I figure we'll have to stop at Wall Drug, too. Our neighbors' kids thought it was the highlight of the trip.
+1 on Wall Drug, Crazy Horse, and the Corn Palace.

South Dakota is a cool state to visit. I'd like to go back some day.
Wall Drug is a must! 5 cent coffee and great doughnuts too.
We took a drive through Spearfish Canyon, and it was a highlight of the trip.
I moved there in 1984 and left for Grand Forks, ND in 1989. My brother and I used to play golf at Meadowbrook everyday during the summer...and intertube down the river putting in right under the dam. Those were the days! I don't recall the neighborhood we lived in, but I checked it out on GoogleMaps not too long ago and it's certainly been developed a ton....by Rapid City standards of course. How about you?

Since 1979 and I moved to Texas in 1996. Ahhh yes, Meadowbrook golf course...golf and meat packing plant smell. And tubing in Rapid Creek? You can't call yourself a native unless you do that.

Also, dklaiman...if you want a nice picnic spot, go to Canyon Lake. They've done a really nice job out there and the fishing isn't half bad either
The previously mentioned Spearfish Canyon, along with Pactola Lake, the Needles Hwy and hiking just about anywhere on public land in the hills. For eats, try to get to the Alpine Inn in Hill City for dinner, but go early and be prepared to wait, especially if it is a weekend.
Downtown Rapid City is a nice little area to walk around in for a little while. Stop into the Firehouse Brewing Co.; cool place.
The previously mentioned Spearfish Canyon, along with Pactola Lake, the Needles Hwy and hiking just about anywhere on public land in the hills. For eats, try to get to the Alpine Inn in Hill City for dinner, but go early and be prepared to wait, especially if it is a weekend.
Downtown Rapid City is a nice little area to walk around in for a little while. Stop into the Firehouse Brewing Co.; cool place.

haha! I just PM'd him about Alpine Inn and Firehouse. Native?
my brother was in the Air Force and stationed at Ellsworth AFB a few years back......he serviced the B-1 bombers.

I only visited once but my brother ended up taking me on a day trip across the border into Wyoming to check out Devil's Tower. Worth the trip if you have the time
my brother was in the Air Force and stationed at Ellsworth AFB a few years back......he serviced the B-1 bombers.

I only visited once but my brother ended up taking me on a day trip across the border into Wyoming to check out Devil's Tower. Worth the trip if you have the time

Nice trails to hike up there. Devil's Tower is neat.
Bring binoculars.
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