30mm silvertip bulb beside a 16mm fan
What do you prefer and why
I like a big floppy 26-30mm fan for hard soap and a smaller bulb for creams
The bigger fans seem to lather the back and top of my head a lot better then
the bulbs
For some reason, I just can't enjoy bulb-shaped knots. The middle of the knot always feels wrong to me, either too scritchy if it has strong backbone, or too floppy if it has low backbone.
If the brush is tuned properly I dont care about the shape. That said, I have way more bulbs than fans, simply because fans need lofts set lower than most makers will go. Plus most loose knots are in bulb shapes.
I love bigger knots though, especially with low lofts. Give me a 28~34+ knot at 50 or 55mm loft any day and I'm a happy camper... I even have a very very floppy 30mm knot set under 40mm loft
I preferfans with a 24mm loft. When I first started I liked stiff brushes. But as timegoes by, I prefer floppier brushes. But the 24mm fan has always been the sweetspot for me.