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Big knot, not so big price?

Am looking for a good performing badger with as large a knot as is deemed usable... something in the 26-30mm region, but without having to spend hundreds or euros/dollars. Anyone have any good recommendations for large knotted brushes in the mid-price range. If they look really sexy that'd be a plus, I'm fond of my good looking brushes. Thanks
Whipped Dog has a 30 mm Silvertip that is truly great. Mine was something like $38.00, but the prices may have gone up with his latest shipment of knots.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Lijun? Virginia Sheng? Whipped Dog? Any of these could keep you at or below the $40 mark before shipping.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
Whipped Dog.
You cannot beat his prices and quality.
AND Larry is good people.
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