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Best Survival Advice You Ever Got.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I couldn't stop watching that video. I didn't want to stop!
That was great!
Pow dead, Boom busted face, ding ding broken arm, dong dong groin be gone.
A personal located beacon (so THEY can find YOU)...food/water while you wait...something for shelter and warmth in case you have to spend a night.
There are several books out there so you don't have to re-invent the light bulb. Lots of thought have gone into these books. One of the most interesting and most PRACTICAL are the books by Cody Lundin. I took a Search and Rescue class that featured the book. One of the instructors had put together some kits from the book and demonstrated how they were used. He put kits together and gave them tro family his family members as Christmas gifts.
Don't freak out, you are not lost you are just unsure of where you are, never make any decision based on fear or emotion, only on fact and knowledge.
The most important things to survive are water and Food. So keep finding potable water, and the best way to find food in a jungle is what other animals eat.This will keep you away from poisonous fruits.

Probably not the best idea on this thread. Even clear water will be contaminated so carrying a small bottle of iodine and adding a drop or two to your water would be a good idea before drinking anything but rainwater. And most birds and pigs can eat arsenic. I wouldn't go around eating whatever I saw wild animals eating either. If you're going to be in that environment educate yourself on what's edible and what's not.
Going along with the bar survival scenario

That video is lovely... but how am I going to explain in court why I broke his nose, and then proceeded to smash his face into a table screaming "DON'T YOU EVER DO THIS AGAIN!!!
:lol: Here in Blighty self defence law is iffy, but any force I use against anyone I have to be able to justify. Doing any self defence course here covers English law for about a lesson, and you get a reminder every lesson on the words Justifiable Force.
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Never really had a specific need for this one but I remember my father saying "always shoot the man who blinks first when you enter the room" - mind you he was attached to the SAS during the war so that may not have been the most even-handed advice.

Other advice was probably a bit more useful. Don't stand there gawping or questioning when someone says stop; stop, look, listen and think. Good advice when you've got lots of interesting wildlife (ie snakes etc) to contend with.
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