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Best place to buy Vintage ?

Been looking everywere for a a vintage gillette adjustable ( fatboy or a slim )looked on ebay the prices are unreal , I found a site called ecrater and another one etsy but so far no adjustables ! Cant post in the b/s/t yet and from browsing in it its all *conus* im in Scotland ! But if anyone reading this is selling one I'll take it of uour hands at a fair price ! Or even point me in the direction of somewhere selling one thanks in advance from a noob ( andy ) .
I would look into your local thrift/resale shops or goodwill. A lot of those places carry stuff, and you can even call ahead. Just search google "thrift shop" and then after that your area code. Or search "resale shop area code".
Welcome, the slims can be had every now and then on the bay for reasonable prices. Other than that, I can't personally help you...Sorry... Maybe look at antique stores in your area if they have them. It's rare, but I found my slim at one. (not saying the slims are rare, just allot of antique dealers use ebay for shaving merch now)
Im in scotland shops like that are called charity shops over here and ive been in most in my local area and none of them stock razors ! The staff with little or no knowledge of them , also tried car boot sales( flea markets in the states I believe) with no luck :( I want one so bad but not bad enough to fork out 40+ quid (ebays going price) ! Thanks for the advice though mate
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