I mam considering making myself a pair of shoes. Has anyone made shoes before? There is virtually zero info on the web about it! If anyone here has any information on the topic it would be very helpful.
Anyone wanting to make a pair of shoes for themselves must be passionate and enthusiastic about footwear - we applaud you!
If you visit our blog http://Carreducker.blogspot.co.uk you can find out how it is done in England by hand....or come on one of our courses! Good luck and happy shoemaking. Deborah
The thought just occoured to me... If you have time to make shoes in your down-time, perhaps you could apprentice with a local cobbler?
Just to get your feet wet, so-to-speak.
You realize this is a 10 year old thread....You can find out how it is done.
I have interest to make shoes and also researched on this that how much time it will take and how much does it really cost to make shoes. I hope that you like the video, I really did.