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Beard products: Are they worth it? Suggestions?

So, let me preface this by saying that, just a few years ago, I shaved religiously. I loved it. It was relaxing. While I primarily used a DE, I'd often take a pass with an SE and my grandpa's injector. I even toyed with a straight until the 2016 Handlebar Massacre (no blood was lost, but a single slip destroyed months of growth and waking).

Then, unfortunately, life got in the way. And I got lazy. I fell out of the habit. The handlebars went the way of the dodo, a didn't shave unless I had to...and I started using a cartridge razor again!

I've decided that's all going to change.

But step one is breathing life back into the mustache. To do that, Indeed to get beardy over the winter.

The problem is that my facial hair can go insane. It tends to be curly, and wants to stick out all over. Seriously, I look like Animal from the Muppets!

And it itches like Hell! I hate it!

The pic below isn't to show off the fish. It's to show how bad my beard gets...and to show off the fish.

So, I've looked at the various options for product...beard washes, oils and balms. Will they help tame my mess so I can have my bars and goatee at their best before St. Paddy's Day...without spending the next five months looking like that?

The selection out there is mind-blowing. I want something with a good scent, can be bought on that big site named after the river, and has a corresponding mustache wax. Any suggestions?

Being as I'm from WV, and the company is based there, I have considered Mountaineer Brand. Does anyone have experience with them? Are they worth the price?
So, let me preface this by saying that, just a few years ago, I shaved religiously. I loved it. It was relaxing. While I primarily used a DE, I'd often take a pass with an SE and my grandpa's injector. I even toyed with a straight until the 2016 Handlebar Massacre (no blood was lost, but a single slip destroyed months of growth and waking).

Then, unfortunately, life got in the way. And I got lazy. I fell out of the habit. The handlebars went the way of the dodo, a didn't shave unless I had to...and I started using a cartridge razor again!

I've decided that's all going to change.

But step one is breathing life back into the mustache. To do that, Indeed to get beardy over the winter.

The problem is that my facial hair can go insane. It tends to be curly, and wants to stick out all over. Seriously, I look like Animal from the Muppets!

And it itches like Hell! I hate it!

The pic below isn't to show off the fish. It's to show how bad my beard gets...and to show off the fish.

So, I've looked at the various options for product...beard washes, oils and balms. Will they help tame my mess so I can have my bars and goatee at their best before St. Paddy's Day...without spending the next five months looking like that?

The selection out there is mind-blowing. I want something with a good scent, can be bought on that big site named after the river, and has a corresponding mustache wax. Any suggestions?

Being as I'm from WV, and the company is based there, I have considered Mountaineer Brand. Does anyone have experience with them? Are they worth the price?
So, let me preface this by saying that, just a few years ago, I shaved religiously. I loved it. It was relaxing. While I primarily used a DE, I'd often take a pass with an SE and my grandpa's injector. I even toyed with a straight until the 2016 Handlebar Massacre (no blood was lost, but a single slip destroyed months of growth and waking).

Then, unfortunately, life got in the way. And I got lazy. I fell out of the habit. The handlebars went the way of the dodo, a didn't shave unless I had to...and I started using a cartridge razor again!

I've decided that's all going to change.

But step one is breathing life back into the mustache. To do that, Indeed to get beardy over the winter.

The problem is that my facial hair can go insane. It tends to be curly, and wants to stick out all over. Seriously, I look like Animal from the Muppets!

And it itches like Hell! I hate it!

The pic below isn't to show off the fish. It's to show how bad my beard gets...and to show off the fish.

So, I've looked at the various options for product...beard washes, oils and balms. Will they help tame my mess so I can have my bars and goatee at their best before St. Paddy's Day...without spending the next five months looking like that?

The selection out there is mind-blowing. I want something with a good scent, can be bought on that big site named after the river, and has a corresponding mustache wax. Any suggestions?

Being as I'm from WV, and the company is based there, I have considered Mountaineer Brand. Does anyone have experience with them? Are they worth the price?
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welcome to the club, the beard looks good, you have about 5-6 months to march 17th plenty of time for a handlebar. As far as the beard, I would trim your beard down shorter and keep the mustache. I use different beard products from baby shampoo to some higher end brands. In my experience don’t overdo the washing 2-3 times a week at most. Lately I’ve been using a beard wash called Barbarys followed by clubman 2 in 1 conditioner mixed with a couple of drops of clubman beard oil. I have very dry skin so I tried different brands to get what works for me. Good luck with your journey it just takes a little time to get what will work for you
It seems that most reputable beard products are made from the same few natural ingredients . Pick brand/scent and use it regularly.

For the mustache I recommend a stick of Elmer’s glue. It’s water soluble and doesn’t melt at body temp so it will last most of the day.

Good luck on your journey and please keep us updated on what products you decided on!
I wasn't patient enough to swim through the options online and wait for shipping, so I went to see what I could find locally. Initially, I had picked up the King Gillette wash, oil and balm from Walmart.

But SWMO had a coupon for Bath and Body Works.

I went in with her hoping they had the C.O. Bigelow shave cream and soap that they used to carry (alas, my old standby Williams is no more), but they did not. They did have samplers open for their beard care products, so I gave them a try.

SWMBO LOVED the scent, and insisted I go with this instead. To be honest, I liked it too (sage and lavender). Plus, they had a buy-3-get-3-free deal running, so I got two of each product. The King Gillette went back to Walmart.

In addition, I picked up the Wild Willy Expert Grooming Kit at Walmart. It comes with a boat bristle brush, a comb, trimming scissors, a beard guide (not sure how or if I'll ever use that), a three-piece Tech-style DE razor and three blades.

I don't know a whole lot about the razor. It said it was "anodized", which leads me to believe that it's aluminum, but it feels to be about the same weight of the old Techs.

I loaded a Derby Extra blade in it...I have no idea what blades it actually came with (wrapped in plain paper)...and did a test drive on my jawline and neck. It did okay. To be fair, it was a quickie job, and very little prep...and I'm comparing it to my birth year Black Beauty and my dearly departed EJ DE89 (I still have the handle, may replace it's head). Im going to give it another, more fair try on my next shave, but it's probably going to ride in my seldom-used Dopp bag as a backup.
I used the products mentioned above for about a week and a half, then took a week off. The difference was pretty amazing, and they're definitely staying in rotation for the winter.
I figured I'd ask, rather than start a new thread. I'm going to grow/maintain a short beard for the winter. I have heard that a gentle face wash like Cetaphil works great. Can anyone confirm? Or, is a dedicated beard wash and beard oil best?
I figured I'd ask, rather than start a new thread. I'm going to grow/maintain a short beard for the winter. I have heard that a gentle face wash like Cetaphil works great. Can anyone confirm? Or, is a dedicated beard wash and beard oil best?
I’m currently sporting an anchor beard and it seems like the dry winter air is promoting beardruff. So I started 2 days ago with a beard oil (Captain Fawcett Maharaja). To early to come to a conclusion but the scent is nice.
It kind of depends on your skin. I usually use pure argan oil on my goatee after showering. I only rinse it on a daily basis, mild shampoo every 4 days or so. Commercial beard oils work fine too. Especially ones with argan and jojoba in the blend. Don't over apply, especially when it's short, and especially if your skin is naturally oily.

Cetaphil will work fine too but you may find you don't need to use it daily. Really depends on your skin.

Argan oil is generally non-comedogenic (doesn't promote acne) which is why I like it.
I’m planning on branching out starting with Zingari man. Largely because they make the entire line of men’s grooming supplies. From shave soaps to solid colognes all one scent multiple scents makes my autism pur. 🤣 I’ve also been looking Viking revolution over on Amazon.they appear to have some decent scent profilesThey’ll come next.
In the 80s, I grew a beard from Labor to Memorial day. I never groomed it back then. I just let it grow bushy until I shaved it off for summer. Currently sporting a goatee since before Thanksgiving with no plans to use any grooming products. My face and shower soap, Grandpa Witch Hazel, is good enough.
60 year old first time beard owner here. I just use a bit of soft-ish shaving soap (Stirling in my case) in my mustache. Seems to work just fine at shaping and controlling the extraneous fuzz.
I have recently switched from beard balm (Stirling) to beard butta (liquid gold from Beard Octane). I still also use beard oil for the skin underneath. I have a moustache and an extended goatee.
I’ve been growing my goatee for maybe 2 years and shave the rest mostly daily (love shaving too much for a full beard). I have tried all the otc balms and oils that I can find and Honest Amish was the best for my dry gray hair. Seeing some SV beard balm for only $40(👀), I took a chance. Wow that stuff smelled great but couldn’t even hold a chair for the Amish oil.

Fast forward to a meeting with Justin and his Better Man Beard balm out of Boise, Idaho. I tried his balm at a bluegrass festival last June and I’m now a life long customer.

Important variables:
My dry gray facial hair stabs my wife always when smootching and is better after washing with Stirling MiTA (I’ve tested a dozen soap brands and this is best for me) and applying beard oil. The issue is most of these oils, they stay oily until lunch, stain shirts and the smootchees (wife).

The BetterMan Franky T beard balm is only oily for an hour and leaves my goat softer than anything else I have used. It’s the most mellow scent of his line and is my desert island balm. Great luck to all you gents (hippies😊) who enjoy some facial hair. Do your wives’ a favor and soften that hair lol.
I’ve been growing my goatee for maybe 2 years and shave the rest mostly daily (love shaving too much for a full beard). I have tried all the otc balms and oils that I can find and Honest Amish was the best for my dry gray hair. Seeing some SV beard balm for only $40(👀), I took a chance. Wow that stuff smelled great but couldn’t even hold a chair for the Amish oil.
I'm growing a goatee too.
I have read very well about the products of this Honest Amish brand
You can spend just as much on beard care products as you can on shaving products. 😁 There are a lot of good beard care companies out there. However, I don't have any experience with Mountaineer brand. I have read that the hair on your face is different than the hair on your head and needs to be washed with an actual beard wash that doesn't have a lot of the different chemicals in it as a typical shampoo. I would say if anything start with a beard wash and beard oil for sure. You can always add balms, butters or waxes depending on your preferences. Deadman's Beard Co, Weatherbeard, Luxurious Bastard are all excellent. There are many, many more out there. Honest Amish is one that can be found at your local Walmart. Feel in beard is great but they don't offer all the different scent options like other companies.
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