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Barrister & Mann featured in Mens Journal for their beard oil

Barrister & Mann Marvelous Beard Oil

Boston-based Barrister & Mann specializes in handmade products for shaving. This is its first and only product meant for manicuring beards and was crafted with skin sensitivity in mind. It uses bran oil, a gentle, soothing ingredient that was first popularized in Japanese skin and hair conditioners. Also included is cucumber-seed oil, which proffers a slight cooling sensation and which is also made of about 60 percent linoleic acid – a fatty acid that lends elasticity to skin (which means an end to sub-beard itchiness). The oil is limited edition and only available through No-Shave November, with 25 percent of the profits being donated to the Prostate Cancer Foundation. [$20 for 1 ounce; barristerandmann.com]
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