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Bad injector blade batch?

I recently went in on a bulk purchase of injector blades. Every single pack, no matter which of my injectors I try, will not smoothly load the blade. The result is muscling it into place with a small screwdriver.

I purchased these blades simply out of curiosity - I can get Schicks at my local grocery store. Even though they are $5 for 7 blades, they load like butter. They also shave as well if not better than the EMS.

Anyone else having problems?
the plastic injector boxes are terrible, you didn't get a bad batch of them, they are all like this. Unfortunately.
I've been reloading blades from the plastic and metal magazines into an empty metal Schick magazine.

It is possible to use the junky plastic and metal ones, but you usually have to twist them slightly so the blade will line up, and you have to make sure you're holding on to both the plastic and metal parts when you pull them out of the razor, otherwise they're likely to come apart.

The up side is that the blades are significantly less expensive, when bought in bulk, and work well once you actually get them into the razor.
It appears that to save money, ASR used less and less plastic to hold the plastic part to the metal part. This has resulted in the defective blade pack of today. This was not really a problem with these dispensers until recently.....
Hmm, good to know. The Type E Injector I picked up at an antique store the other day came with one of the vintage all-metal dispensers, yay.
I have about 50 NOS Schick blades. Each one is hell to get the damn blade out.

The new Schick dispensers work like a charm.
I don't bother reloading. I pull out a new blade, then use injector key to open up the injector, grab the injector blade with needlenose pliers or my fingers if I am lazy and slide the blade in from the opposite side.
I don't bother reloading. I pull out a new blade, then use injector key to open up the injector, grab the injector blade with needlenose pliers or my fingers if I am lazy and slide the blade in from the opposite side.

Yes, but this takes the fun out of using the injector!
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