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Back to a great shave

When I started DE shaving almost a year ago, I tried many different blades to find the right fit. I loved the Feathers and Derby's and ended up sticking with the Derby's since at the time I saw no big difference for me and the cost of the Derby's was much less. I realize that the quality of the Derby's is a little inconsistent and if one blade caused me issues, I just chucked it for another. So over the last year I fine tuned my technique and I got good shaves, but in the last couple months I couldn't get great shaves. I adjusted my techinque a bit and still couldn't quite get it. I recently tried the Iridiums and they seemed to be a bit smoother that the Derby's, but I still had issues with my neck.

So, I decided to give the Feathers another go. I stuck with my usual routine and technique and got the greatest shave this morning. I hear that the Feathers will tell you if your technique is still not right. This morning the Feathers told me my technique is spot on. I got BBS and near BBS on my neck. No weepers, nicks or burn. Just a fantastic shave. I think I found my set up: EJ 89L with Feather blades. I may play around with other blades, but I'm sticking to the Feathers for now.

Here's to great shaves!
Sounds like the feathers are the blade for you. From now on I'd leave the feathers as your #1 blade, and compare any others to them. Just keep an open mind as you try other blades that you could happen to find a blade that's even better than the feathers. Congrats. :001_tongu :wink2:
The day the Feathers go extinct I'll hang my DE's on the hook.
I use Astra's for about 30% of the time but then all the rest have to be really perfect (prep, lather, ...).
And chasing the best of every important variable is not for every shave.
Thanks to the Feathers I can be a little bit sloppy on the prep from time to time.
I am working up to my feathers!! Can't wait to try them though and report back on the results. Glad you liked em ;)
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