After feeling that I'd ruined the edge on my Dubl Duck after a half-dozen shaves and would never get the hang of straight shaving and stropping, I was ready to give up. Then I read THIS POST on stropping for dummies. Last night I gave it a shot. I set my Rup filly strop on the table and really went at it nice and slow on the pasted side. I didn't count how many laps I did, but I worked at it for a good 15 minutes figuring that my previous stropping attempts would need to (hopefully) be un-done. I actually used both hands to make sure I had total control on both ends of the blade. Then I spent another 5 minutes or so on the smooth side of the strop and crossed my fingers that the razor would once again be usable. To my great delight, I found that I got a pretty good shave and that the blade seemed back up to par (my technique, less so). I was so relieved that I hadn't completely ruined all of Ray-man's fine honing work. I think I'll continue with the slow, deliberate table-top stropping for a while before I try hanging the strop again. Thanks to everyone who's posted information on proper stropping technique and encouraging us noobs to hang in there during the frustrating times!!