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B&B Photo Contest-January 2013 Winner !

This month's theme is from Lamb Root:

Red is the color of fire and blood, and Red Tip. Red can represent rage and violence, but also joy, passion and love. I like red, especially in food. I like green food and yellow food, and even white and black food, but red is the one I like to eat the most (and watch) because it makes me happy. Red is the color that I associate with this part of the year.

Anything red goes. Doesn't have to be more than 42% red or anything like that. Main object, however small, should be red, or reddish, or something that symbolizes red color. If an author finds a beautiful red apple, red bell pepper or a red Ferrari and decides to picture it in B&W, well it's fine too. It doesn't have to be monochromatic (but it can), and it can be artificially colored, or even with the use of selectively excluded colors. Of course 'au naturel' more than welcome.

Theme: Red
Rules: You must be the photographer
One entry per month
Try to make the image a recent one

Winner gets bragging rights and the choice of February's theme.

Good luck, gentlemen!
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One from this past weekend:


This was taken on November 3, 2012 at the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial in DC. I did not do anything to the colors on it, the morning simply presented a blood red sky that I felt was somehow totally appropriate for the shot...

Here's my humble submission for January. Took this shot this last summer near home. I was messing with my new 50mm macro and it was late in the morning with the light just completely horrible, which lent itself to a little inverting of the colors!

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The sky around Tasmania over the last week or so with bushfires that have damaged a lot of property and left a lot of people homeless. :(

"Look at the sky turn a hell fire red
Somebody's house is burnin' down down, down down
Down, down, down."
Jimi Hendrix - House Burning Down

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