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B&B Carnival Contest - The Early Bird Special!!!

Folks, While most of the B&B Carneys are sleeping (or enjoying their early morning shave) this one is wide awake and posting an "Early Bird Special Contest"!

The first contestant that can post to this thread an existing B&B link that has a reference to, or a picture of, breakfast food will win a Nancy Boy signature shaving kit.

The rules are simple:
  • Find and post a link.
  • You can't create a new link to win this contest.
  • The link has to work. If I can't click through and find my breakfast then I move on to the next post. Carney's are impatient hungry beasts!

This prize is brought to you by Nancy Boy and has the following delectable Nancy Boy treats to start your day:

3- assorted body bars
1-bottle shampoo
1-bottle body wash
1- full-size signature shave cream
1- full-size replenishing shave cream

We have a winner and that was darn nice maple syrup. I may have been a little grouchy if you linked to the earlier one with the fake stuff :biggrin:

Congrats Duckster!
We have a winner and that was darn nice maple syrup. I may have been a little grouchy if you linked to the earlier one with the fake stuff :biggrin:

Congrats Duckster!
Wait.. I'm awake.. Just now looking.. Hold on... DRATS ..

Actually.. congrats Duckster! Well done, fellow insomniac! Wayne


"Got Shoes?"
Duckster just won a prize worth about $78 dollars in about 2 minutes! Wow. And all because he is an insomniac. :rolleyes:

The Carnival continues to spiral out of control. So many more prizes to come.

You just never know when a quick giveaway is going to pop up. :biggrin:

BTW, Congrats to Duckster. He is our first multiple winner. He previously won a bottle of Royall. Hey Duckster, do you ever sleep?
Duckster just won a prize worth about $78 dollars in about 2 minutes! Wow. And all because he is an insomniac. :rolleyes:

The Carnival continues to spiral out of control. So many more prizes to come.

You just never know when a quick giveaway is going to pop up. :biggrin:

BTW, Congrats to Duckster. He is our first multiple winner. He previously won a bottle of Royall. Hey Duckster, do you ever sleep?

So you mean to say it's not just the Mods that are getting all crazy and groggy from all this prize-giving carnival chaos? Nice to know the love is getting spread around :smile:
Duckster just won a prize worth about $78 dollars in about 2 minutes! Wow. And all because he is an insomniac. :rolleyes:

The Carnival continues to spiral out of control. So many more prizes to come.

You just never know when a quick giveaway is going to pop up. :biggrin:

BTW, Congrats to Duckster. He is our first multiple winner. He previously won a bottle of Royall. Hey Duckster, do you ever sleep?

Well, I'm unemployed so I spend a lot of time on my computer and I keep the B&B tab open between the careerbuilder.com and jobcentral.org/ct tabs on my PC. Anyhow, thank you for the prizes B&B.... and for hosting this awesome community.

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