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Australian Shave Article


Ten tips to a close shave
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Joanna Bounds
Men's skin needs caring for too, so here's the ideal shaving guide (minus the redness and rashes).

1.Peter Riccardo, owner of Riccardo's Barber Shop in Paddington, Sydney, says don't expect one shave to last all day. "Some men give themselves a rash trying to avoid a five o'clock shadow. Just shave again if you're going out."

2.Riccardo adds that shaving in the shower is ideal. "You don't need to wash your face beforehand if you're in the shower - it's fine to just wet your face, then the shaving cream will cleanse your face."

3.When using a shaving brush, Riccardo says it's the consistency of the soap that matters most. "Too runny and it'll dribble down your chin, but too thick and it won't soften the hair shaft. Work out the right amount of soap and water so your whiskers are soft enough."

4.And never shave against the grain. "Some whiskers grow up and some grow down. It's no different to the hair on your head," Riccardo says. "The key is to follow the growth, and don't be too heavy on the hand, or you could end up with shaving rash or bleeding."

5.Paul Anderson, owner of Sydney salon Mankind, says forget supermarket own-brand products. "The decent brands use essential oils and don't include alcohol, which can dry out the skin," he says. "And try not to use products that contain a lot of fragrance, such as cheaper foaming gels."

6.Before starting, Anderson advises heating your razor. "Use a nice hot razor - just run it under the warm tap before starting. It helps because metal cuts better when it's hot and it becomes more flexible."

7.Don't be afraid to add more cream. "Guys sometimes just don't use enough product, but go over and over the same area when all of the cream has gone. They need to learn to reapply," Anderson says.

8.For a super-smooth finish, take this tip from Riccardo: "For a really close finish, don't shave against the grain, but shave sideways instead. It works a treat."

9.And a good shaving product means you can get away with cheaper equipment. "It's far better to use razors that don't cost a lot and invest in a good product," Riccardo says.

10.Finish with a hot towel for a true barber's experience. "Use a towel that's been soaked in hot water and then wrung out," Riccardo says. "If the towel is too hot, it can burn, so be careful of the temperature."

Notice how there isn't any particular empahsis on which type of razor is best to use...?
No push for cartirdge shavers and looks like he has dropped a hint on the DE razor at No 9... Yet the pic on the article clearly display a plastic gillette!

Good to see some good points in amongst some mythical ones though. e.g. No 6...
What a load of rubbish.

Everyone in Oz knows we lather up with sleeping Koalas (not difficult) and shave with live Crocodiles (needs some technique). And why use AS, when there's always a beer in the bathroom?
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Admittedly, I find heating up the razor by running it under hot water nice as well. It seems to shave better. I'm not certain of the science behind the reason or because it just merely feels good on the face. I'm sure it's a combination of both.
I have the noise filter turned on, sadly I'm detecting a lot of BS but not much BBS.................

Admittedly, I find heating up the razor by running it under hot water nice as well. It seems to shave better. I'm not certain of the science behind the reason or because it just merely feels good on the face. I'm sure it's a combination of both.
I have found that the hot water cleans away the soap that remains on the blade while shaving. Perhaps that allows more blade contact. Also, the blade expands under heat and that may make the blade edge more consistant.
What a load of rubbish.

Everyone in Oz knows we lather up with sleeping Koalas (not difficult) and shave with live Crocodiles (needs some technique). And why use AS, when there's always a beer in the bathroom?

I actually enjoy a beer whilst shaving on weekends
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