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Artic Shaving

With the hot weather upon us, I thought I'd share my most recent shaving ritual-"Artic Shaving".

First: shower with a menthol soap and/or shampoo to get things started. Then, bring out the arsenal of cool shaving supplies:

1. Mama Bears mentholated "ice" soaps. Currently I use either "Awakenings" or the lime scented version-they go on cool, and they get cooler after you complete your first pass when your pores start to open up. And I lather up with cool-cold water, so not only is the lather chilly from the menthol, it's literally cool stuff. I haven't experienced any problems with the quality of my shaves because of not using hot water.

2. Next, a dab of Proraso post shave. Mildly mentholated. It won't freeze your face, but for me it's a good precursor to what follows (btw--important to have your hands moist/wet when you apply Proraso, otherwise the stuff can be a bit creamy).

3. Moving on. I had Sue (Mama Bear) make me up a special edition of her mentholated peppermint after shave. Extra, extra menthol. Talk about face freeze, this stuff even blows away my Osage Rub, which is no small feat. Highly recommend the stuff. So now my face is sporting icicles.

4. Finish up with Tom's Peppermint toothpaste and peppermint mouthwash, and have yourself a chilly day.

5. Want to get even more cool crazy? Take a dab of Vick's vapo-rub, apply it to your nose, and now you're breathing in menthol vapors in addition. (OK, I know that's a bit extreme, but if you want to full menthol experience, that's one way to get it).

Other "extreme" ideas: buy yourself a small bag of menthol crystals (easy to find on the net) and mentholate your after shave, witch hazel, etc (I added some extra crystals to my Proraso after shave splash-took it from cool to cold). The possibilities are endless...
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You have menthol crystals????!!!! Man, I never even thought to look for it!:eek: I know a bottle of AV that is about to become something special:w00t:
There are some other posters on here who "mentholate" their creams etc.

Great freeze out method!

That sounds interesting... do tell more.
you can buy these *crystals* or powders or whatever?
and add to creams?

I'll do a search.
Sounds really good!

I will have some Mama Bear Awakenings for my birthday, which is only a small month away...

What kind of proraso aftershave do you use, if I may ask?

my SOTD today - Noxzema wash/pre-shave; MB Awakenings SS (many passes and touch ups - it just felt good); lots of cold water rinse, followed by Osage Rub splash... honest to heavens, it hurt!

I loved it.

Now - howsabout more info on mentholating AS... how many crystals (by weight, volume, what?)... do they dissolve? Do you shake it up (baby, now)?

I wonder...

If I added menthol crystals to my Pinaud Bay Rum(notoriously warming with a burn) would you get a combination of both effects, or would it be like matter and anti-matter coming together, resulting in a explosion?
I wonder...

If I added menthol crystals to my Pinaud Bay Rum(notoriously warming with a burn) would you get a combination of both effects, or would it be like matter and anti-matter coming together, resulting in a explosion?

It may implode into a black hole.
Well, thanks to this thread, I just ordered some Mama Bears Awakenings.

Because that wasn't enough, I went ahead and got some SubZero + menthol, Mojito + menthol, and matching AS splashes from TSD.
I'm on a menthol kick this summer, too.

I tried AV - I love the cool blast and the conditioning of the glycerin, but the stench kills it for me.

Then I tried Skin Bracer - still a great menthol blast. I actually like the scent once it mellows a bit. I fear that it still has room-clearing capability, though, so I only wear it when I'm in mostly solitary conditions. Wife doesn't like it.:frown:

So far, the best freeze has come from the trial aftershave from The Gentlemens Quarter. Non-alcohol and it will wake you out of your morning haze. I splash cold water on my face before I put it on as it can be a little sticky otherwise. C-C-COLD!
Ooops - wife doesn't like this either. The woody undertone isn't appealing to her:mad:

So, to keep both of us happy, I have a bottle of double-iced Lime on the way from TSD. I can have cryogenic cheeks with a scent that we both enjoy. :velva2:
In response to some of the above-posts:

I ordered a bag of menthol crystals from: www.organic-creations.com. Never done anything like that before, so this was all new territory for me. And the stuff is rather inexpensive. I received a bag of what look like slivers of glass. The crystals are fairly potent, so I added a bit at a time. Mentholated my witch hazel; Proraso after shave splash; my bottle of Osage Rub; and even my mouthwash (careful with the mouth wash, as menthol isn't particularly tasty...)

Like I said in my original post, I'm no chemist, so I don't know what liquids will or won't dissolve the crystals, but so far it seems that any alcohol-based product will. Haven't experimented with mentholating non-liquid products, although I'm sure there's information on the web on how to do this. Sometimes it takes a while for the menthol crystals to dissolve, and they did turn my witch hazel cloudy. I'd suggest going slow, see how much menthol you like. You can always add some more.

Also, I use Proraso pre/post as an after shave balm. Then I use either Proraso aftershave splash, Mama Bears A/S, etc. I like the way the Proraso pre/post moisturizes after I shave. Like many others, I never liked it as a pre-shave.

One other thing: There are posts on this site about whether menthol is harmful to brushes. I know Joel felt there was a danger, while Sue (Mama Bear) disagreed. I have absolutely no idea who is right. But just to be on the safe side I do not use my more expensive brushes to lather my mentholated soaps. That being said, I haven't noticed any degradation of my brush, so who knows.

Finally, since my initial post I also placed an order with Dr. Bonners, the soap/shampoo maker. They sell peppermint and eucalyptus scented soap and shampoo. Brrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!
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