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Are you a one-handed shaver?

I can only use one hand confidently at the moment but I'm trying to use both as I've heard it will come in handy with a straight.
yea, i use one hand, lean over the sink and close to the mirror, and use my other hand to brace myself on the counter. whenever i need to stretch my skin i just use my other hand and stretch with it. mostly my other hand just stays on the counter. whenever i need to apply lather i just put my razor down and apply lather. im not ever in a hurry when i shave, because i shave at night before bed. sometimes i wish i was a morning shaver so i could go out with the scents that come from shaving, such as the aftershave.
I always use both hands at all times; one to stretch the skin, one to slice the hairs, and I rotate which hand does what as I go across my face.

But I notice there are a lot of shaving videos out there of guys who just use one hand and keep the other off to the side doing heaven knows what!

So now I'm curious: Do you use one hands or two and why? :001_cool:
I never needed to "stretch" any skin. However, I do mash my sideburns down when I'm getting close to going for a haircut, and the sideburns want to get too bushy. That's why I kept a Slim Adjustable on the wash basin through all of the years using shave goo, and the DE can "shorten" the sideburns more effectively than a Sensor, or even an SE type. Other than that, I use a razor in my right hand to shave both sides of my face, and have done so for very nearly 60 years now.
I never needed to "stretch" any skin. However, I do mash my sideburns down when I'm getting close to going for a haircut, and the sideburns want to get too bushy. That's why I kept a Slim Adjustable on the wash basin through all of the years using shave goo, and the DE can "shorten" the sideburns more effectively than a Sensor, or even an SE type. Other than that, I use a razor in my right hand to shave both sides of my face, and have done so for very nearly 60 years now.

what i mean by stretch is, say if i have to move the skin off of my adams apple, or up on my jawline. because face it, nobody wants to slice into their adams apple. bad day, plus my adams apple is very sensitive. not the skin or anything, just sensitive to the touch. it just feels strange when i touch it, i don't like it. i don't even like my girlfriend touching my adams apple. just feels weird. unnerving. so you can imagine how it is for me with a razor blade.
I use 2 hands but never change hands. I Shave left handed on both sides of my face. Other hand does the tension.

I shave with my right and stretch with my left. There's no way in ¥#]€ I would shave with my left hand, my wife would have to call 911! :biggrin1:
Same here, I'm not coordinated enough to keep my jugular in one piece if I was shaving with my left hand....
I use both hands. I shave with one and stretch with the other, and I also switch hands, so that I shave my right side with my right hand, and my left side with my left hand. All of this is a constant whether I use a straight or a DE.
I see a ton of videos where DE shavers do not stretch their skin. That's fine. I did it that way for years when I first started shaving. But I have found that, for me, stretching is beneficial to getting a close, smooth shave, regardless of what type of razor I choose.
I shave with one handed most of the time until I use my other hand to stretch part of my neck. Thats the extent my other hand gets used during my shave.
I am the Johnny Bravo of shaving. Only need one hand for comb, razor, drinking or women.:biggrin1:


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