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Aramis JHL and Guerlain Derby

Wore Aramis JHL on the left hand/wrist and Guerlain Derby on the right today to compare the two, as I thought from earlier whiffs of each they seemed pretty similar.

Wearing them side by side, the similarity is amazing. They both open similarly with a lemon/bergamot citrus mix on top of a light pepper/unsweet cinnamon background, with the citrus going away during the first 1/2 hour and leaving the peppery cinnamon with a slight floral mix. I kept thinking they are the same frag, except the JHL has slightly more cinnamon. Both have good sillage, and both are still at least 80% strength and maybe 90% after 5 hours.

According to Basenotes, about 1/2 of their notes are the same, spread across the pyramid. Common notes include lemon, bergamot, pimento, rose, sandalwood and patchouli. Derby doesn't list cinnamon, but it sure seems, to me, to be there very faintly. Maybe it has to do with some combination of the pepper, mace, jasmin or leather listed.

I mostly wanted to report that if you are curious about the Guerlain Derby, which isn't as readily available, you might try the Aramis JHL which is available now in the new Aramis Gentlemen's Collection. It's a pretty good deal at $48 for a 3.4 oz bottle.

I really like Aramis JHL, and of the Aramis Gentelmens collection it is by far the standout for me, which was quite the surprise considering all that's said about Havana and Tucscano.

Great comparison, Thank you!
Hmmm.. Looks like that's another one to add to my "To try" list! :biggrin1:

Already have the Havana & Tuscano and like them both very much.
I like JHL, too. I have a small sample of "old" Derby which I have been husbanding for the right moment.

To me, JHL still has some regular Aramis in the mix. I do not recall thinking that Derby did, but I guess there was no reason for that to occur to me. The cinammon also seems pretty prominent to me in the JHL, although to me it is more a "cinammon leaf" note than the stronger, harsher "cassia bark" aroma, at least going by what my local health food store has for samplers of essential oils.

Somehow JHL seems similar to lots of things out there, and for that reason, and probably others, does not blow me away the way Havana does.
Haven't sampled either of these but another similarity is Guerlain Heritage and Creed Bois Du Portugal - they're not exactly the same but do have some similarities. I like the Guerlain more, personally.
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