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Anyone using Pixelmator on a Mac?

I have been working with my images from my D5100 in lightroom. I'm shooting in raw and adjusting for white balance and exposure in lightroom. I wanted to play a bit with other aspects of processing (e.g., smoothing and or removing background items, etc.), but wasn't ready to spend as much as they ask for PhotoShop or PSE. I decided for $15, I'd try Pixelmator. I'm just starting to learn to use it, but thought I'd see if anyone has experience with it now to get tips, etc...
Sorry, but I can't help you Bill. There seem to be quite a few tutorials on the Pixelmator website; they should be enough to get your started.
I do not, but as its on sale for only $15 right now, its very tempting. From what I hear, its a very capable image editor. Not something that I'd ever use in a production environment, but for home use I think its probably very good. Photoshop has some very powerful tools, but they come at a very steep price and an even steeper learning curve. If its still on sale, I'd say snatch it up.
Hey, I use it and love it. Very simple, and maybe a little bit limited, but my go-to software when I want to do a quickie adjustment like cropping or desaturation. For the price, it's hard to beat.
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