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Anyone shave with all 3?

How many do you use

  • Straights Only

  • DE Only

  • SE Only

  • Straight and DE

  • Straight and SE

  • DE and SE

  • All 3 frequently

  • None- Cart user who enjoys soap and a brush

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Carts for now...Waiting on a Merkur DE to arrive and I just got a straight razor by landers frary & clark today(needs cleaning and a good honing.
I usually shave with a straight but will use a DE when I am short on time. I do enjoy both!

I have an SE but SWMBO usually uses that.
I use a variety of DE and SE razors. Won't own a straight because I can't stand razor straps. Both of my grandfathers used straights to shave with and both of them spanked the kids with them when we got out of line. Worse whippen I ever received was from my material grandfather for convincing my little sister how much fun it would be jumping out of the hay barn onto a hay wagon. She broke her arm and he broke my butt with a razor strap. Not worth the angst to have one in the house.
I have an injector on the way so that is an SE I guess. I will wait until this weekend so I can vote DE and SE
Both straights and DE. Was straight razor only for the last couple years but have gotten back into DE's recently and have been using them more than my straights due to the desire for simplicity lately and discovering the RR Slab which I love. I do plan on working my straights back in more frequently but right now they account for maybe one out of twenty shaves I'm guessing.
Almost exclusively DE shaving. I do however from time to time use a Rolls Razor, which is technically a non disposable single edge.
I currently am DE only, but want a straight, both as a knife collector and wet shaver. Hopefully this summer when I get a job I will be able to pick one up...
Well, I was shaving with a straight razor on the occasional weekend or when I really wanted to prepare myself for the state of mind of getting cleaned up to go somewhere, using DE on the weekdays but now that I've grown a beard that I keep clean with my DE I'm not sure I have enough face left to shave with a straight. I could shave my neck with the straight, I suppose.

I did get a GEM SE, but didn't really enjoy the shave, probably haven't found the right blade for it. Seems to be less selection of good blades, for DE I'm rotating through the PolSilver SIs, Feather High Stainless, and Astra SPs.


I got moves like Jagger
Mainly straights, but this year I started incorporating an Injector to go with my birth quarter slim. I also sometimes carry a Sensor with me on vacation, depending on how much space we will have in our room (i.e. cruise or not).
Been using Shavette for almost a year, DE safety razor for about 4 months and Straight for about a month thanks to my wonderful wife buying me a Theirs Issard straight, Strop, And waterstone kit for our anniversary. She's definitely a keeper. Haha.
I'm using DE only right now. I have a straight, but I'm a little nervous to put that thing near my neck, especially after I nicked my cheek with it (using my right hand on my left cheek, didn't trust my left hand with a naked blade lol). Presently my straight is stopped & coated in oil awaiting another day.
I use all 3 but am still trying to gain confidence with the strait. Feels clumsy and that makes me nervous. I'm all good until I'm holding it to my face.
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