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Anyone feel that they get a better shave with a cart?

I'm glad that the OP and many others have found a system that works for them. I had a horrible time with razor burn or a less than close shave with carts, so will stay with my DE.
I used my merkur 23c with feather blade and badger and Taylor cream and got great close shave smooth no.irritation I do like carts for my head,better definitely lol but I use,a tech or super speed on my head a lot, I guess just whatever works for people, everybody is different , do I love using a 80 year old razor? Of course but sometimes it's nice to break out my old atra and wilkinson sword profile and trac ii :) no one can say what is right for u except u,;)
I got very good shaves with a Trac II, and also got very good shaves with a DE. I have no desire at all to try a modern multi-blade system.
My face has been in remission and healing up quite nicely since dropping carts, personally speaking. If I may say so myself, "good riddance!"
After almost 2 months with a DE I used a mach3. It just felt...dead. Like I was jabbing my face with a metal rod (the wife got me a nice AoS style mach3 handle/brush kit for our anniversary which started this all off) and there was little to no feedback. While it was quick and sufficient, it wasn't rewarding, relaxing, or refreshing. It reminded me of when shaving was a chore.

Perhaps once the novelty of DE shaving wears off it won't matter what I use, but for now I'm having fun with it :)
The Schick Hydro 5 to me is the best 5 blade cart. It will last 2 weeks without doing anything other than rinsing it after every two strokes. After 2 weeks you have to strop it almost every day (this applies to all carts). To strop a cart all you do is go in the opposite direction of shaving on a pair of jeans, or your arm/leg (I use my upper leg), or even a strop.

I got a free schick hydro in the mail a couple of weeks ago,I used it tonight to try it, I have to say it gave me a incredibly close smooth shave! No irritation used proaso and a badger brush excellent all around on face and head! But carts for these hydro 5s are high and not sure how it would do for a whole week, I will use my merkur tomorrow but nice change occasionally:) to me it's about the soap and brushes and best irritation free shaves.
BEFORE: Mach III with can-goo, 1 pass and out the door.
AFTER: EJ89 - Polsilver SI - Badger Brush - Bowl Lather - 3 passes - Clubman Splash - Osma Balm. 15 minutes to CCS.

In 3 months, I've forgotten even how the Mach shaved. Evidently not very memorable..

I discovered back in April due to a restricted travel trip that I can get an acceptable shave from a cheapie cart (Wilkinson Sword - 8 for $6.00). I've also discovered that the more I DE shave the better I get at it and the more I enjoy it. DE shaving is a luxury I give myself now. Shaving with a cart is going through the motions to the next thing. Shaving with DE + a great face lathering brush = Relaxation, Happiness, and my favorite way to start my day... Mmm, can't wait for tomorrow morning.
I just wanted to be honest and set the record straight. These razors both do exist, and they are direct competitors for the exact same market share. Basically the same exact razor concept from 2 different companies.

There is, however, one difference between them:

** The Schick Hydro gives a clean close shave.
** The Gillette Fusion 5 does not.

May I point out that the (former East) German Trabant and the (current) German Mercedes S600 both have the same number of wheels and tires (four each) and the same number of steering wheels (1 each), so therefore they are are identical?
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I've gotta say, I've been using my Schick Hydro more and more lately instead of a DE. The "slime" that the razor emits is actually a very good lubricant, combined with the proraso cream I'm using I get a very nice irritation free shave in 1 pass plus touch ups. Added to that is the fact that I've used the same cart for a month now, and it shows no signs of dulling yet. Who knows how long this thing will last me. It's absolutely the best razor (of any type, including DE) that I've ever used. YMMV and all that, but I think Schick might've converted me back to carts, because the only thing I'm after is a great shave and that's what I'm getting.

This is a great post, I've also been feeling the Schick Hydro 5 is the best and most comfy shaver I ever used.
This is a great post, I've also been feeling the Schick Hydro 5 is the best and most comfy shaver I ever used.

I tried the Quattro once– once, and it was the worst razor I ever used. It felt like I was scraping a cheese grater on my face. It sort of put me off trying other Schick carts, but so many people have praises the Hydro 5 that I may have to give it a try. For me the TracII, Sensor, and Mach 3 all work really well. Maybe the Hydro 5 will get added to the arsenal.
I've never seen a Schick Hydro in the wild, I think, but looking at the picture, I don't see myself shaving with such a thing.

First of all, it is way too much of a jump from my DE and Trac razors. And second, I cannot imagine that having so many blades scraping your skin can give you a good shave.

I've never been converted to modern carts, and it also won't happen. Too many negatives to even try.
It sort of put me off trying other Schick carts, but so many people have praises the Hydro 5 that I may have to give it a try. For me the TracII, Sensor, and Mach 3 all work really well. Maybe the Hydro 5 will get added to the arsenal.

My experience, using Hydro 3 cartridges on a handle originally purchased as a Hydro 5, is that I get every bit as good a shave with the 3 as with the 5. The 3 cartridges are bit less expensive, are marginally better than the 5 cartridges for shaving in tight spots, and (perhaps most importantly) one is not subject to as much mockery and derision from those who suggest that one is obsessed with the number of blades.
Here's my personal stand,
Canned anything with cart, not bad
Canned anything with DE, not bad
Good soap or cream with brush and cart, excellent
Good soap or cream with brush and DE, excellent
Therefore, I think it's all in HOW one shaves,
you're prep, the brush for exfoliation, etc..
I've never seen a Schick Hydro in the wild, I think, but looking at the picture, I don't see myself shaving with such a thing.
First of all, it is way too much of a jump from my DE and Trac razors. And second, I cannot imagine that having so many blades scraping your skin can give you a good shave.

If you are looking at the Hydro 5 in Transformer Mode ("flip trimmer" flipped) pictire that Cratz posted above, I can see how you would be intimidated.
This is more like what you would use as a Hydro daily shaver:
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I used to do a 3 pass shave with a Gillette Fusion/Dorco Pace 6, and I could get BBS WTG/XTG/ATG, BUT!!! When I went to put on post-shave face lotion, it would burn me like hell, absolute hell(That was with the same setup, just no DE razor, I got it last). With DE shaving, I can get same/better shave results with less irritation and a painless aftershave routine. Also save a hell of alot of money each year on razors.

I also could never sink shave with a cart, because the water was never forceful enough to totally clean the razor. It would look clean in the front, but if I turned it around and washed it from the back, hairs would poke through to the front.

Now, I'll save my 6 blade Dorco Pace for my special area though, because my girlfriend likes it lol.
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Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Technique > Tools

One can only shave as close as their skin will allow. I get consistent DFS from DE, SE, Straights and carts. (Trac II)

I prefer none of these because of closeness of shave. I prefer all of them because of quality of shave.
Anyone feel that they get a better shave with a cart?

Nope, but I get a better steak with a cart.

And like steaks, it's all in the technique, not what the grill is made out of.
I used to do a 3 pass shave with a Gillette Fusion/Dorco Pace 6, and I could get BBS WTG/XTG/ATG, BUT!!! When I went to put on post-shave face lotion, it would burn me like hell, absolute hell(That was with the same setup, just no DE razor, I got it last). With DE shaving, I can get same/better shave results with less irritation and a painless aftershave routine. Also save a hell of alot of money each year on razors.

I also could never sink shave with a cart, because the water was never forceful enough to totally clean the razor. It would look clean in the front, but if I turned it around and washed it from the back, hairs would poke through to the front.

Now, I'll save my 6 blade Dorco Pace for my special area though, because my girlfriend likes it lol.

TMI! :tongue_sm
So here are the results of my experiment with my shaving ritual in the morning before work:

I shaved one morning with my Edwin Jagger DE. I used pre-shave oil underneath VDH shave soap with a Vulfix badger hair brush. I did one pass with the DE. It was close in some spots, but pretty rough in others, and left it at that. While it was an acceptable shave for most of the day, and there was little or no irritation, by the time I got home from work it was thick enough that I could have shaved again.

The next day I did the exact same pre-shave prep but used my Gillette Pro-Glide Fusion cart (I know, hated on B&B...). I did one pass and got an extremely close shave with almost no irritation that lasted all day and most of the night.

I could have got the exact same close shave with the DE but it would have required multiple passes and double, if not triple the amount of time. I do have a heavy dark beard and I wonder if DEs work better for people with less thick or lighter hairs? So for me it's not a closeness issue, it's a time issue. And I'm a busy man, lol.
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