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Anyone else snowed in?

After a month of "Indian Summer" the foot or more of snow we got today came as a shock.. most of this little town in the northwoods has been plowing ourselves out.... only to find we are getting hit again tonight.

So many soap making opportunities.. and so little snow plows. what do you all say? is it just me?

Bear hugs!

I live in Central PA...they put snow plows on school buses and kids are born with shovels in their hands - there's no such thing as snowed in. :wink:
We have snow here in Montana, but its effects pale in comparison to the temperatures. It was -23 degrees (F) when I left the house this morning with a wind chill of -39. I'm from Georgia. This don't work for me. :glare:
In Edmonton, Alberta here, this Monday they set a new record - at the International Airport it was -46 celsius with the wind chill, -36 without.

I'm just not used to this, having to plug the car in each night or it won't start in the morning, that super crisp cold where you breathe in through your nose and feel it freeze the insides.

But people here are more hardy and used to it. In Ontario, whenever there was a reasonable amount of snow that made driving a bit tough in the morning they'd cancel school, here there is no such thing as a snow day.

I saw a picture in the paper from Monday, two girls with PETA stood downtown on Jasper avenue wearing nothing but panties and rabbit ears holding signs that said "Only animals should wear fur". And they supposedly stood out there for about 30 minutes in the buff like that, pretty impressive at that temperature.
Denton, Texas was 23 F this morning, and you'd think it was Alaska the way a few people were shivering. Perhaps after another summer of three months of 104 degrees in the shade I'll be shivering too when the mercury dips below freezing.

Take care Mama Bear!
I don't understand what's going on: I live in NYC and everyone has had snow except us! I'm pretty sure San Diego has had snow! It's probably snowing in Egypt! I really feel left out.
Record breaking cold snap here (over night low was below zero) with over a foot of snow fall. I'm originally from Central NY where this is usual weather this time of year, but in Reno, it's considered a blizzard that can jam up the town for a while. Not far from here the ski resorts are jumping for joy.

Don't you poor AZ guys get tired of year round summer? :laugh:
In Illinois we got like 1-3 inches total where I live. But that won't stop all the idiots around here (hour southwest of chicago) from getting in wrecks and going off the road. :)
We got out of southwest Colorado *just* before they got 4 feet of powder dumped on them. We would have enjoyed that at the beginning of our vacation, but not at the end when we had to return to work and other normal activities.
Definitely been spoiled the last month here in St. Paul, MN with above-average temperatures, but got about 8 inches of snow yesterday and below-zero temperatures today.

I. Hate. Shoveling.
In coastal Maine we got the usual. Eight inches of nice snow followed by a lot of rain and then a freeze. Bad driving and no local x-c skiing. :angry:
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