OR retired barbers and/or electric barber clipper repairmen? I have shaved my head with the same oster classic 76 for at least 25 years...the original 0000 oster blade I first bought had nice smooth rounded guard tips,and would easily and painlessly glide over the scalp....my 5 year old 0000 blade is a little less polished on the guard tips and is just barely comfortable..I recently purchased the 230 volt version of the clipper called the classic 97,still made in the u.s.a. and still built like a tank.it came with a 0000 blade,and this blades guard is the absolute worse piece of crap you could imagine...the guards "teeth" tips are very very sharp and pointed and are brutal to the scalp...they tear at the skin,jab and poke...how could a company with this much experience put out a product this worthless? the cutting blades are still good,but they have cut costs on the blade housing,the"guard", to an absurd degree...they know damn well a 0000 ,00000,and even a 000a blade is used to "bald" or very close cut a scalp...andis has a 0000 blade that will fit,I will see if they have cheapened up on their quality as well....if you are an old pro,let me know if I file down the guard tips will it mis-align the cutting blade,or throw the side to side action of the blade off? any tips are greatly appreciated...