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Any one tried basic shoe polish yet?

I was wondering if any of you blokes has ever tried to use non colored, [clear] shoe polish on an old strop to help bring it back to life, I have been just useing fromms strop dressing and neetsfoot oil and some times if the old thing is very very cruddy I will use a bit of sadle soap but sparingly.

Any what and who, have a great shave and if you have 'em a great cigar!!



Staff member
I tried Dubbin once on Kangaroo. It increased the draw to the point of stickyness. I didn't like it.
I wouldn't be putting any shoe polish on a strop. It's a coating and eventually will dry out the leather and it will clog the leather up.

Some strops naturally have more draw than others so the idea is to get one with the increased draw rather than buy one without and try and make it with more.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Depending on your leather, piling it just a bit will increase draw, IME.
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