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Any need for cartridge razor, even with DE/straight?

Does anyone still have the need for modern cartridge razors even with their DE and/or straight? I'm thinking goatees, nether regions (sorry, I had to go there), leg shaving for those hardcore road bikers, tattoo preparation, etc.
I have come into using the Gillette Atra during the week. Also the Sensor Excel. I cant speak for the the Trac II but Im thinking Gillette perfected the cartridge razor long ago with the two I already mentioned with the Atra being my favorite. The big reason I dont use my DE's everyday is because for me to get a smooth shave with the stubble just beginning to grow back. Im thinking I need a very sharp blade. Wilkinson Sword blades just dont work that well for me at that point. The Atra Plus blades are really good with the Wilkinson Sword Super II's coming in second. Or maybe I just need to work on my technique and prep?
I have some Gillette Guard razors (cheapies they introduced in India not so long ago) for travel purposes. They're not great -- or even all that good -- but it saves the hassle of transporting DE blades through airport security.
I like and use a Trac II quite frequently. It gives me just as good of a shave as a DE, and with a whole lot less fuss. It's also basically a no frills cartridge razor, as it doesn't pivot, and has a mere two blades.
Unfortunately, I still use them due to travel. Recently I tried a pro-glide and paid for it way of ingrowns and razor rash. :mad5:
Wow, surprised at how many still use cartridges. I guess they still have their place, their primary role being convenience, which is probably why our whole fast-food, spray-tan society welcomed them with open arms in the first place. No, I'm not talking about anyone here, I'm talking about the people who use cartridges exclusively.

On another note, does anyone here have a goatee and if so do you use a DE, straight, or cartridge to shape it, presuming you shape it? I have a Van Dyke style and am hoping I will be able to do it all with a DE/straight. I know that a three-blade cartridge does not lend itself too kindly for my upkeep.
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Does anyone still have the need for modern cartridge razors even with their DE and/or straight? I'm thinking goatees, nether regions (sorry, I had to go there), leg shaving for those hardcore road bikers, tattoo preparation, etc.

For reasons of technique, comfort, and general results, not at all. For air travel without checked baggage, however, they're essential. Sigh.
Regardless of any ideological concerns, some cartridge systems work very well indeed. I have a Contour Plus cartridge affixed to a Dorco TG-II handle in my en suite for when I want a change. I have found the only truly indespensible things with which to get a good shave are good technique and a brush.
Gotcha, makes perfect sense for travel. Interestingly enough, I went to the local popular pharmacy-type chain store this evening to peruse the shaving section (who does that?) and among the $40 cartridge refills, I saw a boar shaving brush (under $10), shaving soap (two for $5), and razor blades. No DE razor, obviously. But hey, e-cigs are now on the shelves (never thought I'd see that day), so we can only hope!
nope. If I couldn't check a bag, I'd take my DE and hope for a local pharmacy to have blades. (most do) If not, every hotel I've been to will give you a complimentary bic single blade disposable. I'd use that if I just HAD to shave.
On another note, does anyone here have a goatee and if so do you use a DE, straight, or cartridge to shape it, presuming you shape it? I have a Van Dyke style and am hoping I will be able to do it all with a DE/straight. I know that a three-blade cartridge does not lend itself too kindly for my upkeep.

I have a goatee, and I use an electric trimmer for the length and shape it with a straight razor. I alternate hands, and use the heel and toe of the razor.

I have some Gillette Guard razors (cheapies they introduced in India not so long ago) for travel purposes. They're not great -- or even all that good -- but it saves the hassle of transporting DE blades through airport security.
Actually, Guards are not bad single blade carts and certainly can be used for travel. I have almost got my wife and daughter converted to DE but they are using Guards at the present time. WCS sells them for $2 and 50cents a blade. I have no use for carts, however.

I only ever use a cartridge (Mach 3 Turbo): although I like the making lather element of it, I don't feel I have the patience to learn to use a DE and I don't want to end up with a hamburger for a face. Plus I do a lot of regional travel as has been mentioned already airports don't tend to like razor blades.
After 8 months of DE shaving, I tried my old Schick Quattro on the back of neck thinking it would be easier than using a DE – ended up with a crazy rash across my neck for three days. The last of my cartridges went straight into the trash after that. Never going near those things again. :mad3:
Does anyone still have the need for modern cartridge razors even with their DE and/or straight? I'm thinking goatees, tattoo preparation, etc.
Consider instead expediency.

Sometimes you need to rush. Maybe the power was out overnight and the battery backup in the alarm had died without your knowledge, so you are already late to work, better to shave anyway, but don't take much time with that.

Cartridges with more than two blades still lead to irritation, but a Sensor with the 2-blade head works beautifully, or get a Schick Injector razor, which also allows its user to shave decently, and still do so very quickly.

I have come into using the Gillette Atra during the week. Also the Sensor Excel. I cant speak for the the Trac II but Im thinking Gillette perfected the cartridge razor long ago with the two I already mentioned with the Atra being my favorite. The big reason I dont use my DE's everyday is because for me to get a smooth shave with the stubble just beginning to grow back. Im thinking I need a very sharp blade. Wilkinson Sword blades just dont work that well for me at that point. The Atra Plus blades are really good with the Wilkinson Sword Super II's coming in second. Or maybe I just need to work on my technique and prep?
The blades on both the TracII and the Atra were just slightly too close together. The Schick "FX" cartridges with the plunger for clearing out clogs was the best way to go with those, but among the two-blade types, the Sensors reign supreme. I've tested a couple of times, Atra on the left, Sensor on the right one night, and reverse it the next. The Sensor always wins.

My own experience with the Original TracII had been generally unsatisfactory 40 years ago, but with a Bump Fighter handle, doing a shave-off the same night, one face side against the other, it beats the Atra by a small margin.
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