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Antique store score, a very nice one!

My first score at an antique store, a very nice one! 12 Gillettes! Paid 5 Euros for the lot! (6$ +/-)

They all work (TTO's etc), they just need a good cleaning, plating is very good on most of them, no pitting etc. :D

Today is a very happy day!

Will post shots with more individual detail once cleaned, I have some products coming my way to assist in the cleaning/polishing in the next few days.
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Great score at a fantastic price. It looks like you hit the mother lode. Please post more pics after you get them cleaned up.
does anyone know what those three on the bottom right are? they look slightly different than the 40's superspeed, could one of them be a rocket or something?
does anyone know what those three on the bottom right are? they look slightly different than the 40's superspeed, could one of them be a rocket or something?

The bottom two on the right are both rockets, cant really tell if one/both is HD. The third from the right might be a ranger tech? im not sure
The two on the bottom right are Rocket HD's. You can tell by the gap between the kurling and the ring on the handle.
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