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Antique Merkurs

Listed on the Bay are two beautiful Merkurs with bakelite cases. One is a Merkur HD and the other is a 3 piece OC which looks mint. I can't link this auction as its still live but there seems to be a lot of interest. Some lucky guy is going to score very nicely and then some. However the price will easily exceed $100
This is a picture of the razors
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The box on the left usually houses a skinny handle razor like the "Chessman"
It's too bad that Merkur no longer uses these type of boxes they are much superior to the current clear top box where the ears on the hinges are prone to breakage.

You are correct. Its all about Euros. how about that beautiful 3 piece on the right with that great looking handle.
The one on the right looks like the Adams (re-branded Merkur) razor I sold to another member. It does have a great looking handle.
I can't link this auction as its still live but there seems to be a lot of interest. Some lucky guy is going to score very nicely and then some. However the price will easily exceed $100

Pointing out live auctions in this way does no good to someone that is biding on it. You very well could have ensured that the lucky guys price will exceed $100 with a post like this
My only intention was to show these beautiful antique razors. Even before I posted this thread the price was already over $86 with several days to go.

If I have offended anyone I apologize
The one on the right looks like the Adams (re-branded Merkur) razor I sold to another member. It does have a great looking handle.

I have a 40's Merkur with a similar handle. It is a beautiful sight but slippery when wet.
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