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Antique bloodletting lancet

Just snapped a pic. of this bloodletting lancet from 1860 - after a careful polishing, with respect for the age and patina of the item.
I bought it at an auction with the purpose of giving it as a christmas present to one of my best friends, who is a medical student, I will be presenting it to her tomorrow.



A nice piece of history. Makes you realize that medicine has come a lot further than shaving in the last 150 years.
A nice piece of history. Makes you realize that medicine has come a lot further than shaving in the last 150 years.

Not 150 years, that's for sure. More like 90. They were still using those things well into WWI. I just finished "Influenza" and there's quite a bit of medical history discussed. It's scary to think how bad medical education in the U.S. was right up into the first decades of the 20th Century. It was a joke. Over 100 med schools with no educational requirements at all. 80% w/no requirements of college at all. And even the ones with educational requirements had no requirements for science background. No lab work in most, just lectures and exams. Even the Ivy league schools were dismal and unfit by any European standards.

It was largely due to the founders of John Hopkins, (who finally introduced science into medical education), and the embarrassment given us by the Europeans, especially the Germans and French, that we still aren't using blood letting lancets like this today.

Leeches, however, are making a grand comeback, and for legitimate reasons. Maggots too.
Hone that bad boy up!:thumbup:

Set the bevel on a 1200, then finish off to b1 micron and some chrome ox stropping and the patient won't feel a thing!
Cool...Tho, I've got to assume they have a modern version of this? It doesn't seem like a lot of medical equipment has advanced since the Civil War to me. :blink:
Cool...Tho, I've got to assume they have a modern version of this? It doesn't seem like a lot of medical equipment has advanced since the Civil War to me. :blink:

They really don't do bloodletting anymore, it might be time for you to go see a doctor...
One beautiful, Historic piece. I can picture that item, in a thin, wall case, hanging somewhere. Did you research the inscription?

Excellent pic Jakob
Unfortunally I have been unable to dig anything about the inscription.

My friend was thrilled about it - she is going to hang it in her first office when she graduates from med-school.


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