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Another name that snake

Been married for 52 years. Worse fight we ever had was over a snake. Wife came running up & told me there was a snake tangled up in the bird netting protecting our tomato plants. My daughter & I went to see about it. It took us about 15 minutes to get that wriggling thing (big king snake) loose. We set him free unharmed in woods out back. Went in the house & told my wife what we did. She went bat crap crazy in about one tenth of a second. She expected me to kill it not rescue it!! She stayed mad a long time!

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I think that Adam and Eve had a slight disagreement about a snake as well.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I’ve got my assumptions but curious what you all think. Almost stepped on him while walking the perimeter of the plant.

Location: Middle Tennessee. Close to a creek.

A yellow-bellied leaf raker? :)
I leave 'em all alone, unless it's a venomous snake that poses a potential threat to family and pets. I've only had to do that twice - once when my dog alerted me to a cottonmouth coming through the backyard fence, and once when I found a copperhead lurking in the vegetable garden. The copperhead skin made a nice handle wrap for an osage hunting bow that I built.

Mike H

Instagram Famous
There was a 5 foot black rat snake in my garage on Sunday. I tried to show him the door but he juked me and made it under the work bench. Left the garage open for several hours hoping he decided to leave.

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Needs milk and a bidet!
I sent the photos and video to the TN Wildlife people for identification. If it is actually an Eastern Indigo I figured they would want to know since it’s not a native species.
His name was Ralph...

Lots of Garter snakes in the yard, even the dogs ignore them. The occasional King or Bull snake slithers through. The Bull's can startle me, a close resemblance to rattlers, though haven't seen any rattlers in the yard, more of a run into hunting and fishing.

Was mowing last week, about 50 degrees, grass was TALL. Came around on another lap and saw a Garter coiled up where I had just mowed. Figured I wacked him. Picked it up to toss over the fence and he was quite alive and uninjured, just too chilled to do much. Put him in the sun and a couple laps later he was gone.
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