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Another happy camper


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
After decades of brutalizing my mug with disposables and electric face scrapers (mights as well have used a bench grinder), I backed into this hobby via my love of knives. The last year or so has been a pleasure, not the least of which has been finding this group. Great work!

So far I have a Feather DE, and just acquired a Merkur HD. It brings back memories of my dear departed daddy and his old Gillette DE. I can put a fairly impressive edge on a knife, but I'm still developing my technique on straights. I picked up a pretty neat new old stock Koeller Magnetic, and when I felt reasonly comfortable honing it, I got a Thiers-Issard blonde horn- a very nice piece of steel, I must say.

I'm sure I could use a better strop or two, but I'm flush with stones- King 1K and 6K, Naniwa 3K, 5K, and 10K, Kitayama 8K, and Shapton 2K, 5K, and 12K. I would love to see more posts regarding honing and stropping here.

Still, the biggest revelation would have to be the discovery of high end soaps and creams. Wowie-Zowie! I've had decent results with some of the softer soaps, such as Willi G's and Classic brand, but the hard soaps are to die for. T&H, DRH Arlington, Trumpers.... where have you been all my life? My biggest problem is choosing between soaps and creams, which are quickly becoming my favorites. The Trumpers violet, rose, and sandalwood are phenominal products. Now I have to get all the others.

This is gonna be fun..........so thanks for the help so far.
Well Ouch,
It is always a pleasure to hear a success story and yours certainly sounds like one. Way down in the razors forum there is a STR8s subforum with more than one discussion of the happy horrors of honing. If you haven't seen them, the search function can help to get you there. Laz and the crew of cutthroat fans are also there to answer questions. Best wishes for continued success.

It's great to have you on the forum. Keep us informed on what's happening in your world of wetshaving!

I share the same dilemma with it comes to soaps vs creams. The way I solved it is I alternate daily between the two.

It's good to have another knife guy here! I tend to collect folders, some factory, some customs. Here's a picture of one of my favorites.

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DoubleE said:

It's great to have you on the forum. Keep us informed on what's happening in your world of wetshaving!

I share the same dilemma with it comes to soaps vs creams. The way I solved it is I alternate daily between the two.

It's good to have another knife guy here! I tend to collect folders, some factory, some customs. Here's a picture of one of my favorites.

That's beautiful, Jerry. Who is the maker? I recently got a small Chris Reeve Sebenza. Not pretty, but very functional. My last knife for quite some time I think with a child on the way and a house addition/renovation to do. Oh, and welcome Ouch!



Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
That's some very nice suminagashi on that knife. The only knives I collect are kitchen cutlery, because I don't really have an oppurtunity to use anything else. My entire base of knowledge regarding kitchen knives can be summed up in two words- buy Japanese.

It seemed a natural progression to go from knives to razors, but I had no idea how much fun I'd be having with all the peripheral equipment.
murchmb said:
That's beautiful, Jerry. Who is the maker? I recently got a small Chris Reeve Sebenza. Not pretty, but very functional. My last knife for quite some time I think with a child on the way and a house addition/renovation to do. Oh, and welcome Ouch!



It's a Keith Coleman custom out of Albuquerque NM. I own 3 Sebenzas, 2 small and 1 large. They are in my opinion the best semi-custom knife around.


Glad to hear things are working out! As for your problem, why choose when you can hoard both???

murchmb said:
I recently got a small Chris Reeve Sebenza. Not pretty, but very functional.

My Sebenza is in my pocket daily, and I have to beg to differ, I think she's a beaut!

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