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Another Darwin on ebay... sold... out of my league I hope someone here got it !

I do not get the prices going through the roof on these things. A few months back I lost a bid on one by a dollar, and it only sold for $43. I am not sure if the over enthusiasm of some members are creating a false inflated value, but I would never pay the current going rate.
It's amazing really. Only a few weeks ago, another one went on eBay UK for about half that amount - because the seller wouldn't ship to the US where most of the buyers are. I dropped out at about £120, because that's really more than I want to spend on a razor - but on the positive side, I think that one did go to a B&B member!


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
approximately US $371.57

Well, I would certainly not go that high.
I do not get the prices going through the roof on these things. A few months back I lost a bid on one by a dollar, and it only sold for $43. I am not sure if the over enthusiasm of some members are creating a false inflated value, but I would never pay the current going rate.

I was going to $350 tops.....................may have to go higher it seems:cursing::cursing:

approximately US $371.57

Well, I would certainly not go that high.

Doug, please dont make me feel bad, I may go as high as $500 soon, im desperate

All I can say is WOW!! That is crazy!!

I'm sure my statements aren't going to be very popular...but....

I have to agree with my brother in this....I've seen them in the prior months ( Yes, I said months, not years) go for much less....I think in many cases we are out worst enemies when it comes to overly inflated razor prices. We create a "buzz", do lots of hype post....post every auction with a price increase, and we start to believe that razor is worth that much.

Even when we show this inflated prices...or make statements like " I'm welling to go X amount of dollars....well...we just raised the bar....somebody on this forum, or even a lurker see's that...and guess what...takes it as Gospel and next auction you get outbid again by someone who "had to have one" at any cost and passes $593.50 for one in a last minute snipe!

Even more common razors such as Fatboys, have almost doubled in recent months all due to buzz and demand....demand that we help to fabricate.

You cans can bid all you want on a Darwin...nice razor...but good luck with that....I don't care how "rare" this or any rare is...this inflation bubble will break....and trust me...someone is gonna be stuck with top end razor that can't get half of what they paid for....
Wired, because this isnt a rare item, plus it had no case :eek:/ something tells me its all the hype that some threads have given this Razor,I guess advertisement does work, i know its made of Cobalt Steel That still doesnt justify these high prices for a Darwin, I dont even find them that good looking, looks like a spoon handle to me :eek:/ I dont mind pay a high price for some rare and not to common, but these pop up on the bay often, Mods dont want other memebers to post live ebay links to such items, but when theae razors get hyped on the board this much its almost as posting a live auctions , it drives the price up big time :eek:/
Wired, because this isnt a rare item, plus it had no case :eek:/ something tells me its all the hype that some threads have given this Razor,I guess advertisement does work, i know its made of Cobalt Steel That still doesnt justify these high prices for a Darwin, I dont even find them that good looking, looks like a spoon handle to me :eek:/ I dont mind pay a high price for some rare and not to common, but these pop up on the bay often, Mods dont want other memebers to post live ebay links to such items, but when theae razors get hyped on the board this much its almost as posting a live auctions , it drives the price up big time :eek:/

I agree Vargas...sadly the 'bay only shows completed listings for items that sold for 60 days, and unsold items for 15. As my brother said, some newb is going to think this is a must have and will be stuck with a very expensive, not that uncommon, mediocre razor.
I dont see how even vaguely positive discussion won't cause "hype" looking prices. More interested consumers unknown supply.
I agree Vargas...sadly the 'bay only shows completed listings for items that sold for 60 days, and unsold items for 15. As my brother said, some newb is going to think this is a must have and will be stuck with a very expensive, not that uncommon, mediocre razor.
I disagree. When you review sales prices for the last several years on darwin razors you can see the price has been pretty stable in the $300 range. You can look up multiple threads here on B&B and other boards with similar results. There really has not been a significant rise in price although the general trend is upward. There were plenty of $300 sales over the last 2 years.

As far as expense goes, well it is stainless and the current stainless razors go for over $200 Pils, Feather, iKon etc. So you be the judge on that one.

They may not seem that rare right now, there has been a flurry of sales, but in general only several come up a year for sale. I really don't think that many were made. They are rare razors. The Darwin that comes in the box with the stropper, now those are often on auction but the deluxe and standard DE no.

Mediocre razor? Where did that come from? I've never heard it described as such. You don't like the way the darwin shaves?

I really don't think some noob is going to come around and drop $300 on a uncommon efficient razor just because someone says its nice. I understand your points but most of them are not correct. So noobs don't rush out and get a Darwin, but they are pretty rare, unique, solid stainless (cobalt) steel, and give a nice efficient shave. Could you do it for less absolutely. I happen to think a single ring and Fatip give amazing shaves for a lot less.
What you are seeing is a niche hobby getting exposure and growth.
Remember these collectables are not being made any more and the new razors of quality are not cheap either.

We are not talking beanie babies that can be sewn in the back room.
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