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And another convert makes it a hat trick

I have now converted a third friend here to traditional wet shaving, after giving him a spare razor, brush, and Palmolive stick. (And of course, directions to B&B.) If I have made no other impact during my time in Mississippi, at least I can claim this much with quiet pride.

I'm gonna have to sell some more razors soon: this kind of magnanimity means a dead financial loss on those razors! Good thing they were dirt cheap. :001_smile
Nice! I haven't had any luck yet... I think I may have my first, we'll see. I have been pitching traditional wet-shaving for a couple of months now and no one seems to buy that ANY shaving can be a pleasurable experience... I don't blame them, but at least try, right? If you hate shaving, worst case scenario is wet-shaving isn't for you and you're at square one.

I was surprised that one friend of mine had been using a safety razor for 3 years but never said anything until I told him about it in an email. But another friend's wife was interested for my buddy, and likes the idea of natural soaps, getting away from chemical goo, healthier skin, etc etc. I emailed them both a bunch of info and links, so we'll see. Maybe she'll hook him up for father's day... :)

I haven't been wet-shaving long enough to have any surplus gear to give out. Some day, who knows. That probably is the best way to get the word out, just hand someone the gear and say "try this!"
Awesome! I've converted a few people myself. Always feels good to free another man from the shackles of conformity. LOL


First Class Citizen
Bravo! Most of the older guys I talk to--men in their 80s--think anyone who would go back to DE shaving is nuts.
Into the full swing of wetshaving, I've also given up on "hair stylists" and I now frequent a traditional corner barbershop. I was in a couple of weeks ago, and there were two fellows in their 70's just sitting around shooting the breeze with the barber. It was just like Floyd Larsen's--these guys had nothing to do, so they were just hanging around the shop. Naturally, I had to open my mouth about traditional wet shaving, and these two gentlemen lit up talking about their old brushes and razors, and their father's brushes and razors. However, they thought I was NUTS to want to use that old stuff. They just couldn't see the benefit over carts and goo.
Awesome! I've converted a few people myself. Always feels good to free another man from the shackles of conformity. LOL

True enough, although in point of fact I have converted only one man. The other two are ladies of my acquaintance who have taken to DE razors for shaving their legs. Feels good to free women from the shackles of conformity, too.
I had a friend converted from day one. He hates shaving, and suggested this to him, and we ordered our razors at the same time. He loves it.

Now I'm working on my dad, who is going to be a pretty hard sell. But I like a challenge.
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