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An observation about Wet Shaving in general, and Happy Member?

Was thinking after reading the what’s?, How’s, and some other comments this a.m.

Is anyone happy with a simple set up for shaving a Brush or two, Razor or two, couple of Tins, or Pucks of Soap?

Seems we have a bunch of Horders, or Grail Chaser on the forum. Then I see this POP-UP AD that normally I avoid, but this one spark curiosity, it is for Brushes Made in Italy. Beautiful.

Sort of cool brushes, but I have two Omegas they work, and were just simple tools. No I did not order any Riva Brushes.
I am pretty satisfied with my small selection. I have a couple nice modern razors that work well for me in addition to a few vintage gillettes, enough blades to see me through a decade. A couple exceptional boar brushes and a wonderful synthetic.
All that is left is to use up some soaps that wont be replaced and I will have a small rotation of soap. Will do the same with aftershaves.
Goal is 4 to 6 different soaps and probably the same of splashes.

Its not 1 razor, 1 soap, 1 brush, but its simple enough for me. I like some variety and I see no reason not to spoil myself a bit!

Be well
Was thinking after reading the what’s?, How’s, and some other comments this a.m.

Is anyone happy with a simple set up for shaving a Brush or two, Razor or two, couple of Tins, or Pucks of Soap?

Seems we have a bunch of Horders, or Grail Chaser on the forum. Then I see this POP-UP AD that normally I avoid, but this one spark curiosity, it is for Brushes Made in Italy. Beautiful.

Sort of cool brushes, but I have two Omegas they work, and were just simple tools. No I did not order any Riva Brushes.
In my first year or so of wetshaving (2010-2011), I shaved with a VDH boar, a Lord L5 razor, Derby or Lord Platinum blades, and the VDH soap or Williams Brothers. I was perfectly content. I got the VDH stuff in a set at the local CVS. At the time one of my focuses in wetshaving was getting out of having to buy expensive Mach3 products.

Now I enjoy a wide variety of products and don't have a problem with that. It's still one of my more inexpensive hobbies, and it doesn't take much time away from my life or family ( unlike other hobbies I might have ).

If minimalism appeals to you, then it is the right choice. I'm happy for people who find their perfect setup of hardware and software that scratches all their itches.
I do like a variety and have definity more than I need. But is a hobby, passion and time for me.
I do not have any high end razors. I have a mix for DE's and SR's.
I have 2 dens, one upstairs and down. It is my sanctuary, thou no one is ever barred.
My wife has a cosmetic room and an art room.
We work hard and smart but we all need a little me time. Helps big time with us time...

Good amount of soaps ( my dad makes - amazing ) and brushes (no high end - boars and syncs ).
My wife does the finances and does have a monthly budget for my shaving.
I can let it ride and it will accumulate, sometimes I will try a new razor or whatever.
Or I will take the funds and buy sometimes for my wife, brother or kids (now young adults).

I have 2 razors -- a Henson AL13+ and a Rockwell T2 SS --- thinking about an Ambassador, but I get a good shave from either of these razors, so....

I have 2 brushes -- both Silvertip Badger, one is 15 years old and still performs. About that new synthetic I was just looking at...

I have maybe 6 different soaps --- this is an area that I could easily expand --- not because I am not happy with the soaps, but rather this desire to have more scents and variety. I know that's illogical, because the scent doesn't last beyond the shave.

I do blame this forum as the reason that I even entertain the idea of another razor, another brush, or another soap.
I have 4 razors and 4 brushes. But for the last couple of years I’ve only used one razor and one brush and haven’t felt the need or desire for anything else.

I do browse stuff from time to time to see what’s new out there. But nothing really calls my attention other than appreciating nice artwork on some of those razors and brushes.
Is anyone happy with a simple set up for shaving a Brush or two, Razor or two, couple of Tins, or Pucks of Soap?

Seems we have a bunch of Horders, or Grail Chaser on the forum...

Got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?


I think a lot of people look at this as a minor hobby and get curious to try a lot of the stuff that's available. You'll notice a trend after people collect too much, they will often try to simplify and narrow down their selection. Or people will try something then have a "Eureka" moment and decide they've found what they were looking for.

Hoarding seems to happen more often for consumables that get discontinued. Remember, it's not hoarding as long as you can use it all before death. Up until then, it's just being well-prepared.

💀 🤣
I've settled on two razors (one for travel, primarily), two brushes (one for travel, primarily) and five soaps or so I'm very happy with.

I'll branch out from time to time and try a new soap, or blade, but I'm pretty set and not really in the market for anything.
This is my goal. A simple but enjoyable setup. There are members here that have found theirs and promote the benefits settling down and using what you’ve got. I accumulated almost 10 razors in the short time since I joined this forum and started experimenting the DE shaving. Just sold everything except this little travel Tech and one more nickel plated Tech went into the safe for my son. I'll continue with this until I have a compelling reason not to. I did buy another small handle for it that looks more hand filling, but this mini ball handle works just fine as is.


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three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
People are different - which is a good thing as it makes the world more interesting.

Some people shave twice a week, some every day. Some people get a BBS every day, others think that's a step too far any time. Some wouldn't think of spending over $10 for soap, others wouldn't think of using a soap cheaper than $20. Some people like to use a different razor/soap/whatever daily while others like to stick with the minimum.

We hopefully don't need to call one group cheapskates or the other spendthrifts. Variety or favorites? It's not a question of right or wrong, it's just a choice (assuming you have the wallet to pursue the expensive end).

Which group are you in? What do I care? Do what makes you happy. How easily are you satisfied? If you're still using your first razor years later how do you know if it's the best fit for your face/beard/technique? Well, I suppose if you're satisfied with your shaves you might not care.

Personally, I'm a favorites guy. I use one razor virtually every day until I find a better one - then I use that every day until . . . About 7 years ago I found the Wolfman and now I'm one of those satisfied with what I've got guys. I use it daily when I'm home (it doesn't travel). I typically have two soaps going at a time (MdC and another)- occasionally three when I get a tin of SV. I have 5 favorite brushes I rotate, but own 20 (I suppose I should thin the heard one of these days). My brushes are fantastic, but I wouldn't know that without my brush journey. I could have stayed with the first two, but neither of those giant silvertips is really good for face lathering.

So I use one razor and a couple of soaps and a handful of brushes now, but they are all top shelf. It doesn't bother me at all if someone else is happier using 40 razors and a ton of cheap soaps. I drive a black car, I'm fine with you driving a blue car. Do what makes you happy - anything else is kind of crazy - and enjoy your choices no matter how many other people go a different way.
I’m frugally curious.

Love to test controversial products for myself…Arko, Tabac, The Veg, Fatip, Merkur blades, Bic blades, etc…it’s just fun to see in which camp you land.

Of the five categories of products (razors, blades, soaps/creams, aftershaves, brushes) the only one I don’t really give a hoot about are brushes.

If I ever decide to spend hundreds of dollars on a razor, it will be once I decide it will be my last one. It will mean that I’m sadly done experimenting.
funny I just used this in another thread...

Different day, different choice...

Now...Just for me:
My secret of traditional shave zen (50 yrs now) is variety, but the secret of variety, like the secret of all spices, is knowing when to use it and how to use it.



Slickness is a sickness
Have you ever checked out a Pen, Knife or other "hobby/interest" fourm, that's what it's about.

...or watches...or flashlights...or firearms...or headphones...or tobacco pipes...


Not intended as a correction, just some of the other rabbit holes that I've personally poured thousands of $$$ into.

Regarding the brushes, the teasers with the silver embellished wood handles enticed me into clicking further and it led me to a small selection of rather pedestrian resin handles with boar knots on Etsy, that are wildly over-priced. No thanks, I'm happy with my Omegas and Semogue.
I go hot and cold, and experimented with many different products when I started out. Then life and parenting caught up to me and I spent about 8 years shaving with two brushes, two soaps, a 67 Super Speed and GSB blades. Both periods were fine and I am back to experimenting again for a while....

I will point out that the small amount of gear I settled on worked so well because I spent some time "hoarding" as you put it lol. It does usually lead to something if you take the journey. The sheer amount of eclectic gear and software preferences amongst DE shavers is amazing, and the chances of stumbling on to what's best for you in just a few tries is low...

Of course, many are not that serious about it, and if "good enough" works, then that's fine too. I got into DE shaving when my face started getting drier in my mid 40's. Cartridge shaving became a torture and my face was always irritated. Now I have better skin than I did then and it was worth the time and expense.

When I was poor and in my 20's with youthful skin I probably could have cared less. Back then I'm sure I could have just sharpened the edge of a credit card and got a passable shave...
@DesertIguana. Have you acquired your holy grail razor yet? I know you were thinking about getting a rex ambassador, then you changed your mind and wanted an Karve overlander. However, you weren't pleased with the lackluster customer service. I'm genuinely curious on what holy grail razor you end up with. Inquiring minds want to know.

back to the topic

I truly believe you can be happy with a single razor and a brush..I used a micro touch one clone for the first few years of shaving, along with a hundred pack of Dorco..I bought a VDH badger brush for 3.00 at Marshalls, I used to lather that canned shaving cream like barbasol, and Nivea in the beginning .During those first few years I switched from cartridges to wet shaving I saved a ton of money. I might have spent 30 dollars over a three year period.. I stopped getting ingrown hairs and irration that would plague me when I saved with mach 3s and the like. Shaving went from being a choir to something I genuinely enjoyed doing. Who would have known that shaving could be enjoyable.
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