Just thought I'd show off my new way of displaying razors... someone has probably done it before, but I was proud of this. SWMBO and I have been talking about ways to display my razors, and had been looking at either a nice pipe rack or commissioning a wooden rack, but this is far better. It's an old leather ammunition holster, and will comfortably hold eight razors. Which is perfect, because once my new razors arrive I will have eight!
They are:
1898 Zinn Gen Automatic
1902/1904? Kampfe Star lather catcher (waiting for it to arrive)
1912 Gem
1912 Ever ready (ornate handle, waiting for it to arrive)
Gem Jewel
Gem OC Micromatic (waiting for it to arrive)
Gem G-Bar (waiting for it)
E-3 Schick Injector
I'm proud of my collection, and doubly pleased I can show it off nicely! What do you all think?
1898 Zinn Gen Automatic
1902/1904? Kampfe Star lather catcher (waiting for it to arrive)
1912 Gem
1912 Ever ready (ornate handle, waiting for it to arrive)
Gem Jewel
Gem OC Micromatic (waiting for it to arrive)
Gem G-Bar (waiting for it)
E-3 Schick Injector
I'm proud of my collection, and doubly pleased I can show it off nicely! What do you all think?