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Am I putting this Gem Junior Bar together right.

I have never seen the tail piece. I have never had one but all the pics I have seen are sans the last bit of handle. Don't know where it goes.

I lifted this pic from the B/S/T

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B&B membership has its percs
The tailpiece is for stropping the wedge blades that it came with originally. The blade goes into the holder, and then into the handle, then that is used to hone & strop.

I'll attach some instructions ..
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Thanks guys.

Thanks for posting those directions garyg. Very cool.

I had no idea that is what that end piece was for.

There were some Damaskeene blades in the box. Are they wedges? They are in the last pic above.



B&B membership has its percs
The blades at the top left (if they are the Damaskeenes you are asking about) are modern spined SE's, not wedges, modern being a relative term here .. . The "wedges" are almost that, one piece, straight razor shaped, like the blade shown in the instructions, .
The blades at the top left (if they are the Damaskeenes you are asking about) are modern spined SE's, not wedges, modern being a relative term here .. . The "wedges" are almost that, one piece, straight razor shaped, like the blade shown in the instructions, .


Thanks again...
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