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Am I an infidel if.

I use a cart to touch up??? :blink:

I've been going nuts trying to get a few problem neck areas smooth. I have a Merkur 33C and 37C HD Slant. I've got my prep and technique to the point where I can get a DFS/BBS shave nearly everyday EXCEPT for the neck. I've watched Mantic's advanced shaving techniques video, tried different blades, different pre-shaves, soaps, creams, etc...

Today, I did my thing with 37C (which I really like for my coarse beard) but simply touched up my neck with the Pro-Glide. Perfect... but did I give in too quickly???
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I did try blade buffing... Maybe my angle was off... I never really got it to the point where I couldn't feel any scratch. I got some irritation too...
If this is what is needed for you to get a shave that meets your needs then you are on the right track.

It is the end results that justify the means, not the other way around.

The whole idea is to get an enjoyable shave that you are satisfied with.
Thanks turtle... You're a fan of the Slant, correct??? Do you have any issues with blade buffing, j-hooking, etc with that bad boy? I almost feel like the 33C may have been better for the advanced techniques...
You are no more an infidel for using a cart to touch up than I am a heathen for using a DE to touch up after a straight shave. :)

Do what works, and makes you happy with the experience.
I used a disposable razor to touch up the very edges of my side-burns the other day...tried to get them with the DE but I didn't want to cut myself or mess them up and having done it for years with carts/disposable razors before DE shaving, I knew just what to do. But I think after more practice, I won't need the disposables/carts for any touchups. Perhaps the same will go for you?
Thanks turtle... You're a fan of the Slant, correct??? Do you have any issues with blade buffing, j-hooking, etc with that bad boy? I almost feel like the 33C may have been better for the advanced techniques...

No issues what so ever with the slant. Used my 39c as my Merkur Monday razor yesterday. I always J-hook and buff no matter what razor I use (even my R41). It's the only way I can get everything down to smooth skin. I do 4 full passes and a 5th clean up where I still feel stubble every day.

Try stretching your skin with your free hand where your problem areas are. You can practice while sitting around so that you know which way to pull to get the hair to stand up so you can trim it closer. Then you will know where to pull and which way to pull and you won't need to use your cart to touch up as you will be able to get everything with your standard razor. If you shave the area where you need to place your hand first you will find that area will be dry enough for you to stretch within a minute or less. If it is slippery you can rub your finger tips on your alum block to make them grip.
I do the same thing under my chin and nose sometimes so if you are, I am in the same boat as you. This is a very accepting community so whatever works for you is cool. IMO it's the creams, soaps, prep, etc that make the biggest difference in my shaving experience whether I am using a DE or a cart razor.
The purpose of the site isn't to say that DE shaving is the end-all, be-all and carts are the devil. Because it isn't and they aren't. We are all here to learn how to shave better and more comfortably. And if a cart touch-up works for you, then more power to ya! We don't judge(much) :biggrin1:
I use a cart to touch up??? :blink:

I've been going nuts trying to get a few problem neck areas smooth. I have a Merkur 33C and 37C HD Slant. I've got my prep and technique to the point where I can get a DFS/BBS shave nearly everyday EXCEPT for the neck. I've watched Mantic's advanced shaving techniques video, tried different blades, different pre-shaves, soaps, creams, etc...

Today, I did my thing with 37C (which I really like for my coarse beard) but simply touched up my neck with the Pro-Glide. Perfect... but did I give in too quickly???

While I agree that the point is to get a better shave, I do feel that you did give up too soon. You have only been at it for a few months. Traditional wet shaving is a skill that takes a fair amount of time to fully master. By not continuing the learning process for this aspect of your shave, you are denying yourself the chance to extend the range of your skills.

My advice is to keep using your DE's for your whole shave. Don't obsess on getting the perfect shave. Just realize that you will learn a little bit more with each shave and that over time your technique will improve. Before you know it, you will be there - looking back and wondering why you didn't get it sooner, since now success is so easy.

Good luck which ever way you decide to go.

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If using carts are giving you angst....Schick/PAL injectors are just as easy, much better and get a Two Thumbs Up from just about everyone who tries 'em.

(plus Blackbird is right - it's a bit early to be fretting)
I can only conclude that you need to try some other method of neck skin stretching. Stretch halfway not full, stretch sideways while lifting your chin half way up, and so on. This is a usual problem for me, and could be only solved by doing the touch ups in the chin to ear direction, or along the double chin towards ears. This is the only way I can get BBS there. There are some movies on youtube from a nice happy dude from uk, user PaulHFilms. In all his shaving videos he uses this touchup double chin technique to finish. Also, if the harder areas of your beard aren't good enough for your blades, then it means that you didn't find yet the best blade for you.
If you can feel the blade "scratch" at your face, then you may need to use a more shallow angle. Once you find the right angle, things go much more smoothly.
I haven't been able to get a perfect BB shave on my neck but it gets closer everytime and I threw away my cartridge razor so I'm happily stuck with my DE's. Whatever works for you!
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