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Ahh, Summer Shaving

Well, today the mercury briefly spiked to 107. That's actual temperature, not heat index. But I was well prepared with a shave featuring Proraso Green, topped off with a splash of Taylor of Old Bond Street No. 74 Victorian Lime. Nice!
Proraso was one of the first creams I tried and I've been in love with it ever since.
I have the Proraso soap in the white tub. Is there any appreciable difference b/w this and the C.O. Bigelow Cream? I realize it's rebranded but soap vs cream...anything different performance wise?
Idk about the differences between the Proraso tub vs Bigelow tube. I've only had experience with the Bigelow, and this thread has reminded me how much I liked it. I started with the small travel tube of the stuff and it ran out about a week ago, so I've been using my alternate [TOBS Sandalwood] since. Somehow, I managed to forget that I'd purchased 2 of the full size tubes during the B&BW Clearance Sale a couple weeks ago... Oh tomorrow will start with a refreshing menthol shave! If only I had a menthol AS to go with it...
Love the Proraso Green followed by a cold water rinse and Proraso aftershave splash or Florida Water. It's predicted to hit 95 with high humidity here in NY tomorrow. I am ready.


The Lather Maestro
cold tap water (no ice), Proraso green, Aqua Velva, that's the ticket!

To the questioner about the white tub and C.O. Bigelow. The white tub Proraso is different from the Green tub. The old green tub soap and the C.O. Bigelow were the same ingredients, only different consistency, at least that was the claim.

I don't know if C.O. Bigelow is out with the new formula cream yet. Anyone else know?
Proraso and Mississippi pair nicely together. In fact I just made a lather and put it on my face just to cool down.
I love Proraso green during the summer but for some reason I just cant put it away during the winter either. I guess my avatar kind of gives that away.:thumbup:
It's hot up here too, but not as bad as you folks down in Chicago or even Texas. Proraso is all I've been shaving with.
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